Grade Information for Math 342

Spring 2019

As it says on the course syllabus, your grade in MAT342 is calculated by a combination of your performance on the homeworks (20%), the quizzes (20%) the midterm (25%) and the final (35%).

Below is some information about each of those items. Finally, there is some information about the overall grade in the course.


The homeworks are assigned mostly each week and are due the following week. The specific problems, as well as the solutions, can be found on the course schedule for the week the relevant material was covered.

Below is a graph of the score distribution of how people are doing on the homeworks. People with grades below C have, for the most part, not handed in several of the homework assignents. The averages are computed dropping one assignment (the one with the most points taken off).

mean hw grade: B median grade: A-
range letter grade
90-100% A-, A
70-90% B-, B, B+
50-70% C, C+
40-50% C-
20-40% D, D+
0-20% F


There are/will be four quizzes, given during classtime several times during the semster. The exact dates may vary; see the the course schedule. Here are the quizzes and the solutions given so far (these also appear on the schedule):

Here is a distribution of how people are doing on the quizzes (the averages over quizzes given so far are shown. Missed quizzes count as a zero, but students who took no quizzes are not included in the statistics, though they show on the histogram.)

low: 2 (D) median: 7 (B) mean: 6.2 (B-) high: 9.5 (A)
range letter grade
8-10 A-, A
5.3-8 B-, B, B+
4-5.3 C, C+
3-4 C-
2-3 D, D+
0-1 F

Midterm: Wednesday, March 13 during class

The midterm was on March 13, covering material through the middle of chapter 4, that is, basics of complex numbers, limits and derivatives for complex functions (including the Cauchy-Riemann equations and analyticity), the logarithm, exponential map and powers, and elementary contour integration.

In case you want to relive the magic, here is the midterm and its solutions.

In terms of grades, people did worse than I had hoped for, but that isn't uncommon. I tried to be as generous in the assignments of letter grades as I could stomach.

low: 3 median: 25 mean: 26 high: 49
range letter grade
40-50 A-, A
24-40 B-, B, B+
15-24 C, C+
12-15 C-
8-12 D, D+
0-8 F

Final Exam: 11:15am on Thursday, May 16, 2019

The final will be cumulative, covering everything that we have done in the class. There will, however, be a heavier emphasis on material since the first midterm.

To help you prepare, here are some finals for MAT342 given in previous years. Please note that I did not write any of these.

Also, you might find these review session slides (2016) helpful.

The final will be held in Engineering 145.

Overall grades in the course

Below is a histogram of the distribution for the estimated overall grade in the class, based on the weighted combination of grades so far. Obviously, this can change, since it doesn't include the final, nor does it include the future homeworks and quizzes. Maybe you will find it informative.

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Page last modified on May 14 2019, 12:50pm