Welcome to MAT 127---Calculus C.
This is the final course in the calculus sequence. We cover essential and beautiful tools such as differential equations, sequences and series, power series, and their applications.
Homework One Solutions
Homework Two Solutions
Homework Three Solutions
Practice Midterm I Practice
Grading Curve for Midterm I Grading
Solutions for Midterm I Solutions
Homework Four Solutions
Homework Five Solutions
Homework Six Solutions
Practice Midterm II Practice
Homework Seven Solutions
Homework Eight Solutions
Homework Nine Solutions
Solutions for Midterm II Solutions
Grading curve for MidtermII Grading
Practice Final Exam Practice
Solutions for the Practice Final Solutions
Homework Ten Solutions
Homework Eleven Solutions
Homework Twelve Solutions
Lec 01 | MWF 9:35-10:30am | Shi | Harriman Hall 112 |
Lec 02 | TUTH 12:50-2:10pm | Jones | Harriman Hall 116 |
Note that the first edition of this book has very similar text, but the
problems are different. If you own the first edition, you'll need to
borrow the second edition from a friend or look at it in the library or
Math Learning Center in order to do the homework.
Problems sets will be assigned weekly; check this webpage for the assigments. Each homework set is do at the end of the last class of the following week. Note that the odd-numbered problems have answers in the back of the book. You should nonetheless try and solve these problems without recourse to the answer key, and should write the problem up carefully in your own words even if you have consulted the book for the final answer: always show your work.
It is OK to discuss homework problems with other students. However, each student must write up the homework individually, in his/her own words rather than merely copying someone else's.
Please note that makeup exams are only given for unforseeable circumstances beyond the student's control. In particular, schedule conflicts are not an acceptable reason: please let your lecturer know about any schedule conflicts as soon as possible. You must have ID to be admitted to the exams.
Calculators of any kind will not be permitted in exams. The problems will require pencil and paper reasoning only.
All homework assigments are due at then end of the last class meeting of
the week following the
week in which they appear: for example the problems for the week 8/30-9/3
are due Friday, September 10 for section 1 and on Thursday, September 9 for
section 2.
Week | Topic | Notes | Homework |
8/30-9/3 | Review and 7.1 (Modeling and Differential Equations) |   | 7.1:1,2,4,9,12 |
9/6-9/10 | 7.2 (Direction Fields and Euler's Method) | no class on 9/6  | 7.2: 1,3,4,5,6,11,19(a)(c),22 |
9/13-9/17 | 7.3 (Seperable Equations) | no class on 9/16,9/17 | 7.3: 1,2,5,8,10,16,29,35,38 |
9/20-9/24 | 7.4 (Exponential Growth and Decay) |   | 7.4: 2,6,9,11,13,18 |
9/27-10/1 | 7.5 (The Logistic Equation) | first midterm on 9/27 | 7.5: 1,3,7,8 |
10/4-10/8 | 7.6 (Predator-Prey Systems |   | 7.6: 2,3 |
10/11-10/15 | 8.1 (Sequences) |   | 8.1: 5,8,10,14,18,22,26, 33,38,40,41 |
10/18-10/22 | 8.2 Series |   | 8.2: 9,10,12,15,20,28,34, 48,50,51 |
10/25-10/29 | 8.3 (The Integral And Comparison Tests) |   | 8.3: 2,5,7,12,14,18,20,30 |
11/1-11/5 | 8.4 (Other Convergence tests) |   | 8.4: 2,4,5,9,12,13,17,22,23, 24,30,31,34 |
11/8-11/12 | 8.5 (Power Series) | second midterm on 11/9   | 8.5: 6,8,11,18,20 |
11/15-11/19 | 8.6 (Representations of Functions as Power Series) |   | 8.6:4,6,8,10,16,22,24,26 |
11/22-11/26 | 8.7 (Taylor and Taylor and Maclaurin Series | no classes 11/25 and 11/26  | 8.7: 4,6,7,10,12,13,21,22,34, 36,40,42,46 |
11/29-12/3 | 8.10 (Using Series to Solve Differential Equations) |   | 8.10: |
12/6-12/10 | Review |   |   |