Textbook: Linear Algebra, 4th edition, by Stephen Friedberg, Arnold Insel and Lawrence Spence, Prentice Hall, 2003. Amazon orders FAQ.
Instructor: Mark Andrea De Cataldo, Math Tower 5-108, Office Hours: Th 11:30am-2:30pm, Email: mark.decataldo AT stonybrook.edu
Recitation Instructor: Cristian Minoccheri, Math Tower 2-115, Office Hours: and MLC hours: Tu 10-12, Wed 1-2, Email: cmin AT math.stonybrook.edu.
Class schedule:
TuTh 2:30-3:50pm, LIGHT ENGINEERING 102 (we no longer meet in ESS 079).
Recitation schedule: R01 (C. Minoccheri): M 9:00am-9:53am, Library E4310; R02 (C. Minoccheri): Tu 8:30am-9:23am, Earth&Space 181.
Syllabus (subject to change): (students will read 1.1 on their own), 1.2, 1.3; 1.4, 1.5; 1.6, 2.1; 2.2, 2.3; 2.4, 2.5; 2.6; 3.1, 3.2; 3.3, 3.4; 4.1, 4.2; 4.3; 4.4, 4.5; 5.1,5.2; 5.4, 7.1; 7.2, 7.3.
Homework: Homework is a fundamental
part of this
course and
will account for 20% of
the total grade. Each homework is worth a max of 20 points. When
we assign the final grade, we count only the ten best
scores, for a maximum of 200 points. We can only assign so much
homework: you should try most of
the other un-assigned problems on your own and feel free to discuss
with us. Homework is collected during YOUR recitation on a
Monday, or a
Tuesday morning. Graded homework will
be returned during YOUR recitation,
the following week. You
will have to work hard on the assigned problems in order to
Copying the hmk will not help you much: time
and again, we have seen perfect hmk scores, followed by very poor test
performances. It is very unlikely you ill pass this class without the
practice coming from doing your homework regularly.
Late homework will not be accepted. Staple the hmk with a metal staple.
Mark clearly
Rec #.
Homework assignments (Collected
and returned during YOUR recitation)
Homework 1 (Due week of 2/6) - 1.2:
1,4,9,18,21; 1.3:
6,9,10,12,20. Solutions. (Posted few days after
hmk is
Homework 2 (Due week of 2/13) - 1.4: 4,5,12,15,16; 1.5: 1,6,15,16,18. Solutions. (Hmk week # etc. may be mis-matched; but all solutions are here!)
Homework 3 (Due week of 2/20) - 1.6: 1,8,9,14,15; 2.1: 5,11,13,17,25. Solutions.
Homework 4 (Due week of 2/27) - 2.2: 2,5,10,12; 2.3: 2,12,13,15,18. Solutions.
Homework 5 (Due week of 3/6) - 2.4: 3,4,10,16,20; 2.5: 4,6,8,11,14. Solutions.
Midterm I (Th March 2, in class) - Covers all material in sections 1.1-2.3, except: section 1.7, and Lagrange interpolation (end of section 1.6). There will be 6 problems. Some have multiple parts. They resemble actual problems/proofs/examples in the book. They will be graded using partial credit. Here is the first page of the test with some instructions. If you want to practice do the following six problems from the textbook: 1.4: 9; 1.5: 19; 1.6: 7; 2.1: 4; 2.2: 4; 2.3: 9 (Solutions). Arrive at least 5 minutes early: test starts at 2:30pm sharp and ends at 3:50pm sharp. Once you are given the test, do not look at it until you are told to start working on the test. We cannot provide extra time for late arrivals. Grades will be posted on blackboard as soon as possible after the grading is completed. The tentative curve for midterm I is: 175 <=A range; 140<=B range <175 ; 110 <= C range <140; 90<= D < 110 range; F range < 90. This is just an indication of how you have done on this test. The actual final curve takes into account pre-test, hmk, midterms and finals. The exam with solutions will be posted here.
Homework 6 (Due week of 3/20) - 2.6: 3,4,7,9,20. Solutions.
Homework 7 (Due 3/27) - 3.1: 2,3,6,9,12; 3.2: 2,5,7,12,17. Solutions.
Homework 8 (Due 4/3) - 3.3: 3,4,6,7,10; 3.4: 2(a,c,e,g,i), 3,4,6,8. Solutions.
Homework 9 (Due 4/10) - 4.1: 5,6,10,11,12; 4.2: 11,21,23,25,30. Solutions.
Midterm II (Th April 6, in class) - Covers all material in sections 2.4-3.4, except section 2.7 (no ``Application" at the end of sections 2.3 and 3.3). There will be 6 problems. Some have multiple parts. They resemble actual problems/proofs/examples in the book. They will be graded using partial credit. Here is the first page of the test with some instructions. If you want to practice do the following six problems from the textbook: 2.4: 17; 2.5: 2b,c; 2.6: 14; 3.2: 6d; 3.3: 7d; 3.4: 9 (Solutions). Arrive at least 5 minutes early: test starts at 2:30pm sharp and ends at 3:50pm sharp. Once you are given the test, do not look at it until you are told to start working on the test. We cannot provide extra time for late arrivals. Grades will be posted on blackboard as soon as possible after the grading is completed. The tentative curve for midterm II is: 175 <=A range; 140<=B range <175 ; 110 <= C range <140; 90<= D < 110 range; F range < 90. This is just an indication of how you have done on this test. The actual final curve takes into account pre-test, hmk, midterms and finals. The exam with solutions will be posted here.
Homework 10 (Due 4/17) - 4.3: 7,9,13,15,18. Solutions.
Homework 11 (Due 4/24) - 4.4: 4(b,g),5,6; 4.5: 7,12,13. Solutions.
Homework 12 (Due 5/1) - 5.1: 2 (parts a,c,f), 3(parts b,d), 7,8; 5.2: 8,10,12. Solutions.
Homework 13 (Due 5/4 in class; this is the last day of class for MAT 310; this week we cover 7.1 and 7.2) - 5.4: 4,6,11,15,18; 7.1: 2,3,4, 7 (a,b,c,d). This is the last homework assignment! Solutions.
Homework 14 (not to be handed-in; it's practice) - 7.2: 2,3,4,6,12; 7.3: 2,3(a,d), 10, 13.
Exams and Scores. Pre-test counts 5%. Homework counts 20%.There will be two in-class midterms as well as a final, each respectively accounting for 20%, 20%, and 35% of the total grade, for a total maximum of 1000 points. The final exam will take place on Monday, May 15, 11:15am-1:45pm, and the two in-class midterms will occur on Th March 2 and Th April 6. Make sure to resolve any conflict the first week of class. There will be no make-up exams. Scores are posted regularly on Blackboard.
Final (Monday, May 15, 11:15am-1:45pm) (in-class LIGHT ENGINEERING 102; this is subject to change check here for updates) - Covers all the material covered during the semester: see the syllabus above. More precisely: all material in sections 1.1-2.2, except: section 1.7, and Lagrange interpolation (end of section 1.6); all material in sections 2.3-3.3, except section 2.7 (no ``Application" at the end of sections 2.3 and 3.3); all material in 3.4-5.4 (in 5.2 no differential equations and no direct sums; no 5.3; in 5.4: only up to the Corollary to Cayley-Hamilton for matrices (included)); 7.1-7.3. The final exam will take place on Monday, May 15, 11:15am-1:45pm, in-class (but stay tuned in case of changes from the registrar's). The final test has 10 questions. Do the last one last. To get an idea of the length, do the following 10 sample problems: 1.3: 8.c; 1.6: 9; 2.5: 5; 2.6: 5; 3.4: 2.h; 4.5: 18; 5.1: 4.c; 5.2: 3.c; 5.4: 6.a; 7.1: 2.c. You have also been sent a link to last year's midterm with solutions. The curve for the final will appear here: ... The final with solutions will be posted here.
Grades. The curve for the final LETTER grade in the course will appear here: ... Please read about grades.
Help. The Math Learning Center (MLC) is located in Math Tower S-235 in the basement of the Math Building (former COLA site), and offers free help to any student requesting it. It also provides a locale for students wishing to form study groups. The MLC is open 10am-7pm Monday through Wednesday, 10am-6pm Thursday and 10am-2pm on Friday. A list of graduate students available for hire as private tutors is maintained by the Undergraduate Mathematics Office, Math Tower P-143.
Some ``hand-outs": Some symbols to know well. Solutions to problems in section 1.1. (Anti)-symmetric matices. Summary of section 2.5.