MAT 541: Algebraic Topology

Stony Brook            Fall 2023


General Course Info

Possible Class Project

The second paragraph of this gives a quick definition of pseudocycle. It is then shown that the group of pseudocycle equivalences and the Z homology are isomorphic as graded abelian groups. The pseudocycle groups can be readily endowed with a product. Show that it is isomorphic to the usual homology intersection product, preferably in the context of non-compact manifolds and BM homology. If you are interested in doing this project, please find someone else in the class to join you and discuss this with me. Depending on where you currently are in your graduate studies, this may be a great use of your time or not so great.

Tentative Schedule

The MS reading assignments are from Characteristic Classes by Milnor-Stasheff.
All other reading assignements are from Munkres's Elements of Algebraic Topology.
You may also want to consult Hatcher's Algebraic Topology.

Date Topic Read Suggested Problems
08/29, TuSimplicial complexesSections 1-4 HW1
08/31, ThCW complexes and homologySection 38
09/05, TuSimplicial homologySections 5,7,10 HW2
09/07, ThHomology of surfaces and conesSections 6,8
09/12, TuRelative homology, Mayer-VietorisSections 9,23-25 HW3
09/14, ThHomology pushforwards ISections 12,13,11
09/19, TuChain equivalencesSections 13,46 HW4
09/21, ThSimplicial subdivisionsSections 46,15,17
09/26, TuTopological invarianceSections 17,18 HW5
09/28, ThHomology pushforwards IISections 18,14
10/03, TuSimplicial approximationsSections 16,19,20 HW6
10/05, ThApplications and generalitiesSections 21,22,26-28
10/12, ThSingular homologySections 29,30 HW7
10/17, TuMayer-Vietoris and ExcisionSections 31-33 HW8
10/19, ThSingular vs. simplicial homologySection 34
10/24, TuSingular vs. CW homologySections 37-40 HW9
10/26, ThInvariance of domainSection 36
10/31, TuCohomology of chain complexesSections 41,45,46 HW10
11/02, ThCohomology of topological spacesSections 44,42,43
11/07, TuCohomology theorySections 44,47,48 HW11
11/09, ThCup and cap productsSections 66,50,51,57
11/14, TuKunneth formula for homologySections 54,58,55 HW12
11/16, ThKunneth formula for cohomologySections 59,60
11/21, TuHomological algebra wrapupSections 61,52,53 HW13
11/28, TuFundamental class of oriented manifoldMS pp270-275 HW14
11/30, ThPoincare Duality for oriented manifolds MS pp276-279
12/05, TuSome applicationsSection 65,68 HW15
12/07, ThComputations on manifolds: an overview MS Sections 9-11

This page is maintained by Aleksey Zinger.
Last modified: November 27, 2023.