Friday at 12pm in Math Tower 4-130
Friday at 12pm in Math Tower 4-130
Two space is special as evidenced by the theory of one complex variable and Riemann surfaces.
Three space is special because our physical reality including  biology  takes place there. In three dimensions mathematical mysteries related to geometry, analysis and mathematical physics are more abundant.
Like 3D  fluid motion, non-perturbative quantum field theory and quantum gravity.
Might these mysteries be also studied using a combinatorial understanding of why three space is special for chemistry, biology and physics?
This question will be pursued in the class using notions from combinatorial topology together with the idea that combinatorics used as in coin-flipping guided walks lead naturally into measure theory and probability theory.
For their awards from the International Congress of Basic Science!
Paul Frigge
August 11, 12:00pm
Math Tower 5-127
Shamuel Auyeung
July 12, 11:00am
Math Tower 5-127
The Simons Center Gallery
April 12 - June 2, 2023
Curated by Lorraine Walsh
Join us Friday, May 19th
9am at the Simons Center!
Live stream available on our YouTube channel
