Jin-Cheng Guu
May 8th, 11:00am
Math Tower, Room P-131
May 8th, 11:00am
Math Tower, Room P-131
Siqing Zhang
April 26th, 2:15pm
Math Tower, Room 4-130
April 26th, 2:15pm
Math Tower, Room 4-130
Mads Villadsen
April 24th, 2:00pm
Math Tower, Room 5-127
April 24th, 2:00pm
Math Tower, Room 5-127
Lisa Marquand
April 18th, 2:00pm
Math Tower, Room 5-127
April 18th, 2:00pm
Math Tower, Room 5-127
1:00pm Linda Keen (City University of New York)
2:30pm Siddhi Krishna (Columbia University)
SCGP 102
2:30pm Siddhi Krishna (Columbia University)
SCGP 102
Congratulations to our very own Theodore Drivas for this award from the National Science Foundation!
With a special tribute to David Ebin on the occasion of his 80th birthday and retirement.
January 16-20, 2023
Join us via Zoom!
January 16-20, 2023
Join us via Zoom!
September 30–December 7, 2022
The Simons Center for Geometry and Physics (SCGP) is honored to present artwork by Moira Chas, Johnathan Hopp, and LoVid.
The Simons Center for Geometry and Physics (SCGP) is honored to present artwork by Moira Chas, Johnathan Hopp, and LoVid.
Stony Brook Math Day is a one-day festival on October 3rd for all undergraduate math majors. Come hear talks by Lisa Berger, Robert Hough, Joseph Mitchell, and Dennis Sullivan.
Jordan Fiore Rainone
August 9th, 8:30am
Math Tower, Room 5-127
August 9th, 8:30am
Math Tower, Room 5-127