Title: Differential Equations with Linear Algebra

Description: Linear algebra: determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization. Differential equations; existence and uniqueness of solutions. First- and second-order equations; linear versus nonlinear equations. Systems of linear equations. Laplace transform. Applications to physics. More theoretical and intensive than MAT 303, this course is primarily intended for math majors. Together with MAT 307, it forms a 2-semester sequence covering the same material as the 3-semester sequence of MAT 205, MAT 211 and MAT 305. May not be taken for credit in addition to MAT 303, MAT 305 or AMS 361.

Prerequisite: MAT 307 or MAT 205 and MAT 211


Credits: 4


   Note: Subject to change - do not buy before confirming with the course instructor

Undergraduate Bulletin Course Information

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