SUNY at Stony Brook MAT 127: Calculus C
Fall 2023
MAT 127

MAT 127 C Fall 2023


We generally don’t provide makeup exams. Instead, we use the numeric grade from the previous test as a substitute.

There will be two midterm exams and the final exam. The time of these exams is as follows:
Midterm 1: 10/3: 8:30 - 9:50 PM, Frey 100.No notes, books or calculators. Average 22, Stadard Deviation 18. Letter grade for information perpuse only.

Grade Range
A 50-82
A- 41-49
B+ 34-40
B 26-32
B- 22-25
C+ 16-21
C 9-15
C- 5-8
D 0-4

Midterm 2: 11/8: 8:30 - 9:50 PM.Average 48, Standard Deviation 24
Grade Range
A 100-80
A- 79-76
B+ 75-67
B 66-60
B- 59-48
C+ 47-41
C 40-32
C- 31-26
D 24-0

Final exam: Mon. Dec. 18,11:15-1:45 pm

These dates are pre-assigned and not flexible.

Quizzes: There will be a brief in-class quiz every other week.

Your instructor will give precise details.

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