SUNY at Stony Brook MAT 126: Calculus B
Fall 2012


There will be two midterm exams and the final exam. The time of these exams is as follows:
Midterm 1: 8:30pm-10pm, 9/27
Midterm 2: 8:30pm-10pm, 10/23
Final exam: 2:15pm-5pm, 12/12.

Midterm 1

Time: Th, 9/27, 8:30-10pm

Lecture 1
Recitations R01, R04, R05: Javits 102
Rec. 02: Javits 101
Rec. 03: Javits 103
Lecture 2
Rec. 06--08: Javits 110
Rec. 10: Javits 109.
Lecture 3
All recitations: Harriman 137

What to bring with you: student ID, scrap paper, pencils. Calculators and cell phones are not allowed during the exam.
Material covered: This exam will cover all the material we have studied since the first exam, up to Section 5.7 (Fundamental Theorem of Calculus)). For practice, please take a look at the midterm from Fall 2009. Solutions for this practice midterm are here: part 1, part 2, part 3.

Midterm 2

Time: Tu, 10/23, 8:30-10pm
Rooms: same as last time (see above)
What to bring with you: student ID, scrap paper, pencils. Calculators and cell phones are not allowed during the exam.
Material covered: This exam will cover all the material we have studied so far, up to Section 5.7 (Additional Techniques of Integration). Here is a practice midterm and solutions. Please note that the practice exam was rather difficult; the actual exam will be easier.

Final exam

Time: Wed, 12/12, 2:30-5pm

  • Lec 1 (Movshev): Rec 1-2: Engineering 143;
    Rec 3-4: Engineering 145
    Rec 5: Library W4550;
  • Lec 2 (Kirillov) -- all recitations: ESS 001
  • Lec 3 (Chuan) -- all recitations: Benedict (see below for directions)

What to bring with you: student ID, scrap paper, pencils. Calucalators are not allowed.

Use of notes. You are allowed to bring to the exam one letter-size sheet of paper with any notes you might want to use during the exam (you are allowed to use both sides of the sheet). Other than that, no books or notes can be used.

Material covered: The exam is cumulative: it will cover all the material we have studied, as listed in the course syllabus. Note that in particular, Section 6.6 (Applications to Physics) is not included (it was removed form the syllabus because oif Hurricane Sandy).
The exam will have 10 questions.

Practice problems. The best way to prepare for the exam is by going over all the homework problems. In addition, you can use practice materials from one of the previous years: Practice exam and solutions: file 1, file 2, file 3, file 4.
You can ignore problems 10 and 11, as this material will not be on our exam.

Directions to Benedict college: located across from the tennis courts by H Quad. Although there are no specific room numbers for the large exam rooms there will be signs posted in the lobby of the building and assistance.