MAT 118, Mathematical Thinking, Fall 2013

Christopher Bishop

Professor, Mathematics
SUNY Stony Brook

Office: 4-112 Mathematics Building
My Phone: (631)-632-8274
Dept. Office Phone: (631)-632-8290
Dept. FAX: (631)-632-7631

Online course evaluations will continue until Dec 9. We appreciate your feedback on the course, text and instructors.

FINAL EXAM is 8:30pm-11:00pm, Wednesday, Dec 11, in Light Engineering 102 (the usual lecture room).

SUNY-SB Academic Calendar
SUNY-SB Final Exam Calendar
SUNY-SB Class Schedule

Email MAT 118 lecturer (Prof. Bishop,lecture MWF 9:00-9:53 Lgt Engr Lab 102 )

Email MAT 118 TA (Chandrika Sadanand, Section 1

Email MAT 118 TA (James Mathews, Sections 2 and 3

Email all MAT 118 instructors (Bishop, Mathews, Sadanand)

TEXT: Excursions in Modern Mathematics, by Peter Tannenbaum, 8th edition, Prentice Hall.

James Mathews office hours: Office 2-105 3pm-4pm Wed, MLC 4pm-6pm Wed

Chandrika Sadanand office hours: Physics D-101, 4-5pm Fri, MLC 10-11am Wed and 4:20-5:20 Wed

If you don't have the 8th edition yet, the homework problems are here for chapters: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 . 5 , 6 . 7 .

Change in Lecture and Exam Schedule: Chapter 4 exam will be moved one week later, from Monday, Oct 14, to Monday, Oct 21.

Revised Lecture Schedule, Homework, Exams, Office Hours

Sample questions for each exam will be available a few days before the exam.

Sample questions for Chapter 1 exam. (answers: c,c,a,c,f,c,b,d).

Results for exam 1: average = 19.21, median = 21 histogram of results

Sample questions for Chapter 2 exam. (answers: c,c,e,c,d,e,e,d,c).

Results for exam 2: average = 16.9, median =18 histogram of results

Sample questions for Chapter 3 exam. (answers: b,e,a,c,b,d,b,c,f,e).

Results for exam 3: average = 18.31, median =19 histogram of results

Sample questions for Chapter 4 exam. (answers: b,e,c,c,b,d,e,d,d,a,c).

Results for exam 4: average = 18.77, median =19 histogram of results

Sample questions for Chapter 5 exam. (answers: b,b,d,c,e,a,e,b,c ).

Results for exam 5: average = 16.96 , median =17 histogram of results

Sample questions for Chapter 6 exam. (answers: d,b,c,d, a,e , d, e ).

Results for exam 6: average = 19.14 , median =20 histogram of results

Sample questions for Chapter 7 exam. (answers: e,b,d,c,e,e,c,f,d ).

Results for exam 7: average = 19.21 , median = 20 histogram of results

Sample questions for Chapter 15 exam. (answers: c,e,d,d,a,a,c ).

Sample questions for Chapter 16 exam. (answers: a,a,e,d,a,c,f,d,d,c,c,f).

Sample questions for final: there will be 5 questions from each section we covered before Chapter 16 and 10 questions from Chapter 16. I suggest you review by doing the previous samples and Chapter exams (most questions will be taken from, or similar to, chapter exam questions).

One of the MAT 118 students suggested this website as useful in explaining permutations, combinations and counting. I pass his suggestion on to you, but I have not looked at carefully enough to guarantee its correctness or helpfulness.

Link to history of mathematics

Americans with Disabilities Act:

If you have a physical, psychological, medical, or learning disability that may impact your course work, please contact Disability Support Services at (631) 632-6748 or They will determine with you what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential. Students who require assistance during emergency evacuation are encouraged to discuss their needs with their professors and Disability Support Services. For procedures and information go to the following website:

Academic Integrity:

Each student must pursue his or her academic goals honestly and be personally accountable for all submitted work. Representing another person's work as your own is always wrong. Faculty are required to report any suspected instances of academic dishonesty to the Academic Judiciary. Faculty in the Health Sciences Center (School of Health Technology & Management, Nursing, Social Welfare, Dental Medicine) and School of Medicine are required to follow their school-specific procedures. For more comprehensive information on academic integrity, including categories of academic dishonesty, please refer to the academic judiciary website at

FINAL EXAM is 8:30pm-11:00pm, Wednesday, Dec 11, in Light Engineering 102 (the usual lecture room).