MAT 531: Topology & Geometry, II
Stony Brook            Spring 2010 |
Final Exam:
Course Overview,
Spring 06 exam
and solutions,
Spring 10 exam
and solutions
Spring 06 exam
and solutions,
Spring 10 exam
and solutions
General information about the course (TA's OHs updated 01/26)
Notes on Lectures 1-5
Bonus: 1 HW pt for each typo you find,
3pts for minor error,
5pts for significant error, 10pts for very significant error
(only 1 bonus per typo/error, to the first person who let's me know;
the points will be added to your problem set scores)
Aleksey Zinger    
E-mail: azinger@math
    Phone: 432-8288
Office: Math Tower 3-111    
Office Hours: Tu 2:20-3:50pm, W 9-10:30am in P-143
Date | Topic | Read | Problem Set |
1/26 | Smooth manifolds | 1.0-1.6 | ps1 |
1/28 | Tangent vectors and differentials | 1.12-1.24 | |
2/2 | Vector bundles | 1.25; Notes 1-3 | ps2 |
2/4 | Submanifolds and Inverse Function Theorem | 1.27-1.36; Notes 4.1-4.4 | |
2/9 | Implicit Function Theorems | 1.37-1.40 | ps3 |
2/11 | Vector fields | 1.41-1.43,1.46-1.50,1.53 | |
2/16 | Frobenius Theorem | 1.44,1.45,1.51,1.52,1.54-1.61 | ps4 |
2/18 | Integral submanifolds; some algebra | 1.62-1.64,2.1-2.13 | |
2/23 | The differential | 2.14-2.23 | ps5 |
2/25 | Frobenius Theorem (2nd version); Lie derivative | 2.26-2.32,2.24,2.25 | |
3/2 | de Rham cohomology of Rn | 4.13-4.15,4.18,4.19 4.4-4.6 |
ps6 |
3/4 | Integration on singular chains | 4.6,4.7,4.16,4.17 | |
3/9 | Integration on oriented manifolds | 4.1-4.3,4.8-4.10; Notes 4-6 | |
3/11 | Review | ||
3/16 | no class b/c of midterm W | ||
3/17 | Midterm: 5-6:20pm | ||
3/18 | (Co-)Chain complexes | 5.16,5.17 | ps7 |
3/23 | Sheafs and presheafs | 5.1-5.3,5.5-5.8 | |
3/25 | Sheafs and presheafs, cont'd | 5.4,5.11 | |
3/30,4/1 | No Class | ||
4/6 | Cech Cohomology | 5.33 | ps8 |
4/8 | De Rham Theorem (weak version) | 5.10-5.12, 5.28-5.30 GH p43-45top | |
4/13 | Free resolutions and cohomology | 5.18-5.25,5.27 5.31,5.32,5.34-5.38 |
ps9 |
4/15 | De Rham Isomorphism Theorem | ||
4/20 | Hodge Decomposition Theorem | 6.1-6.3,6.7-6.14 | ps10 |
4/22 | Elliptic operators | 6.4-6.6,6.28,6.34-6.36 | |
4/27 | Applications of elliptic regularity | 6.8,6.31 | |
4/29 | Proof of elliptic regularity | 6.29,6.32,6.33 | ps11 |
5/4 | Cohomology of non-compact manifolds | Spivak, pp363-371 | |
5/6 | Review | ||
5/16 | Final Exam, 12:30-3pm |