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Banach Center, Bedlewo, Poland
July 21 - 26, 2024

You are invited to the upcoming conference, "On Geometric Complexity of Julia Sets - V," to be held from July 21-26, 2024, in Będlewo, Poland. This conference promises to delve into a diverse array of topics on Complex Dynamics, with a particular focus on exploring the intricate nature of Julia sets.

For detailed information, please refer to the attached poster and visit our conference website:

We kindly ask all participants, including those who plan to attend virtually, to register by June 16, 2024. Additionally, limited financial support is available for graduate students and early career researchers. The deadline to apply for financial support is May 12, 2024. The registration form, as well as the latest information regarding conference fees, can be found at

Organizing Committee:
A. Dudko, B. Karpińska, L. Pardo-Simón, Ł. Pawelec, F. Przytycki, J. Raissy.

ICMS, Bayes Centre, Edinburgh
July 1 -5, 2024

The Conference Classical Function Theory in Modern Mathematics at ICMS, Edinburgh, will also celebrate the 70th birthday of Prof. Alexandre Eremenko, a world leader in function theory whose work has had a profound influence on a wide range of disciplines, including the theory of meromorphic functions, differential equations, dynamical systems, geometry (both differential and algebraic), potential theory, holomorphic curves, and theoretical physics.

This workshop will explore applications of classical function theory within modern mathematics. It will bring together researchers from a diverse collection of mathematical fields, whose common ground is that they use function theory to make major progress in their area of study.

  • Lasse Rempe, University of Liverpool

  • Vasiliki Evdoridou, The Open University

  • Eugenia Malinnikova, Stanford University

  • Sergiy Merenkov, City College of New York

  • David Martí-Pete, University of Liverpool

  • Byung-Geun Oh, Hanyang University

University of Bologna, Italy
June 24 - 28, 2024

The conference "New Frontiers in Parabolic Dynamics and Renormalization" will take place from June 24 to June 28, 2024 at the University of Bologna in Italy. In addition to showcasing recent developments, we will celebrate Giovanni Forni's contributions to the field on the occasion of his 60th birthday.

The conference webpage with confirmed speakers can be found at

We kindly ask that anyone interested fill out the Pre-registration form on the website as soon as possible. We will post more information about the conference as it becomes available. We are working on securing funding to support participants, especially for junior participants.

Please direct any questions to any of the organizers. We look forward to seeing you in Bologna next year.

The organizing committee: Carlos Matheus, Corina Ulcigrai, David Aulicino, Luca Marchese, Rodrigo Treviño, Stefano Marmi

Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM) in Bilbao, Spain
June 12 - 14, 2024

This is an announcement for the workshop “QuMA: Queer and Trans in Mathematical Analysis” at the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM) in Bilbao, Spain, from June 12th to June 14th, 2024

The workshop will take place both online and in person, and we encourage submissions of contributed talks, both online and in person. We have limited funding for lodging for students, and registration is free.

Applications for contributed talks, and for limited funding, are open until March 15th, 2024. We want to emphasize that you are free to submit a contributed talk. The general registration deadline is April 12th.

To register for the event, submit a contributed talk, and for more info, please visit our our website. I have attached a high resolution image of our poster, if you'd like to print it and display it at your institution.

Invited speakers:

  • silviana amethyst (she/her)

  • Tarik Aougab (he/him)

  • Ron Buckmire (he/him)

  • Marco Carfagnini (he/they)

  • Padi Fuster Aguilera (she/her/ella)

  • Elizabeth Menezes (she/her)

  • Kyne Santos (she/her/he/him)

  • Sylvie Vega-Molino (she/her)

  • Katrin Wehrheim (they/them)


Provo Library, Provo, Utah
June 11 - 13, 2024

The third Rocky Mountain Conference on Dynamical Systems in memoriam of Todd Fisher will take place on June 11th-13th 2024, at the Provo Libraryin Provo, Utah. 

We have limited funding to cover the lodging for up to three nights. Preference will be given to students and early career mathematicians. The deadline for applying for funding is May 17th.

More information about this conference can be found on this website. 

The organizers: Lennard Bakker, Keith Burns, Davi Obata, Dan Thompson, Ben Webb and Amie Wilkinson.

Confirmed speakers: Lennard Bakker, Jérôme Buzzi, Sylvain Crovisier, Boris Hasselblatt, Krerley Oliveira, Jana Rodriguez Hertz, Davi Obata, Ali Tahzibi and Amie Wilkinson.

Centro de Giorgi in Pisa, Italy
May 27-31, 2024


Parameter spaces in complex dynamics to be held at the Centro de Giorgi in Pisa, Italy, May 27-31, 2024. 

 The main theme of the conference are parameter spaces in complex dynamics, and there will be people working both  in dynamics of  one variable and of several complex variables. 

Due to logistical reasons, space is limited, so if you want to participate, it is important to apply  by  registering before March 15, 2024. We will confirm your participation as early as possible after you register, and in any case, before April 1st so you can finalize your travel plans. You can register on the conference webpage ( 

The deadline  to apply for financial support  was January 15, 2024. We will take  decisions confirming financial support  by February 15. There will be a poster session.

On behalf of the scientific and organizing committee:

Ayreena Bakhtawar,  Anna Miriam Benini, Carlo Carminati, Vasiliki Evdoridou, Nuria Fagella.

University of North Texas
May 14 - 17, 2024

The conference will bring together a diverse group of experts in a range of subfields of Dynamical Systems that have many interconnections but that do not usually meet together in the same conference, despite sharing many common tools and related problems. The main themes of the conference are:

  • Complex Dynamics

  • Fractal Geometry

  • Thermodynamic Formalism

  • Open Dynamical Systems

  • Random Dynamical Systems.

The goal is to further strengthen the connections between these areas, discuss new research directions, and develop new collaborations. We will also take the opportunity to celebrate Professor Mariusz Urbański receiving the 2023 Sierpiński Medal.

Registration:  There is no registration fee, and some limited travel support is available. If you are interested to participate, please fill out the registration form by February 29.

Invited speakers:

The Institute Henri Poincare in Paris
April 15 - July 5 2024

Upcoming trimester program: "Group actions and rigidity: around the Zimmer program” at the Institute Henri Poincare in Paris,  April 15-July 5 2024.  More information and registration for both the program and individual workshops is open at

*Registration is free but mandatory* The deadline to apply for financial support is Nov. 1, 2023.  We encourage workshop participants to also register for the trimester program.  

As well as minicourses throughout the trimester, we are holding the following conferences and activities: 

  • Workshop 1, April 29 to Saturday, May 4, 2024: Low Dimensional Actions (IHP, Paris)

  • Workshop 2 May 27 to 31, 2024: Group Actions with Hyperbolicity and Measure Rigidity (IHP, Paris)

  • Workshop 3, June 10 to 14, 2024: Actions of Large Groups, Geometric Structures, and the Zimmer Program (IHP, Paris)

More information will be posted on the trimester webpage as it becomes available. 

Organising committee:

  • Aaron Brown (Northwestern University)

  • David Fisher (Rice University)

  • Kathryn Mann (Cornell University)

  • Vincent Pecastaing (Université Côte d’Azur)

  • Ralf Spatzier (University of Michigan)


College Park, Maryland
April 4- 6, 2024

The University of Maryland and Pennsylvania State University have jointly sponsored a spring meeting in College Park from April 4-6, 2024. 

This year the conference will celebrate Giovanni Forni's 60th birthday. The 13th Michael Brin prize in dynamical systems will be awarded Saturday April 6, 2024.

Confirmed speakers:

Moscone North/South, Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA
January 3-6, 2024

AMS Special Session on Ergodic Theory, Symbolic Dynamics, and Related Topics, I
The proposed section will focus on measurable and topological dynamical systems, with an emphasis on symbolic systems. Symbolic systems can be used to discretize more general systems, and the analysis of symbolic systems has found useful applications in many fields (e.g., combinatorics, theoretical computer science). Symbolic systems are also of independent interest. The section will focus on symbolic dynamics and will also include related topics such as ergodic theory and measurable dynamics.
Room 105, The Moscone Center

Andrew T Dykstra, Hamilton College
Shrey Sanadhya, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

Details (speakers and schedule)

Registration to JMM 2024 can be done here.
