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Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut
October 13-14, 2007


Louis Block,
Alexander Blokh,
Hillel Furstenberg,
Aimee Johnson,
Bryna Kra,
Bruce Kitchens,
Brian Marcus,
Michal Misiurewicz,
Zbigniew Nitecki,
Karl Petersen,
Aimee Wilkinson
James Yorke.

Organizing Committee
Petra Bonfert-Taylor
Adam Fieldsteel
Michael Keane
Edward Taylor

Valladolid, Spain
September 18 - 22, 2007

The conference will focus on recent advances in dynamical methods which are relevant in the theory of -ordinary, partial, functional and stochastic- differential equations. Special attention will be paid to the applications in biology, engineering, physics and other applied sciences.


    Tomas Caraballo, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
    Amadeu Delshams, Universitat Politecnica de Catalua, Spain
    Peter Kloeden, University of Frankfurt, Germany
    Angel Jorba, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
    Sylvia Novo, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
    Carmen Nez, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
    Rafael Obaya, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
    Jose Real, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

Short talks in all areas of dynamical systems and  differential equations are welcome, and a limited number of financial grants for graduate and doctoral  students are available. The deadline for preregistration and submission of abstracts is March 31, 2007.

Please visit the web site

for further information and periodic updates on the Conference program, on-line pre-registration, registration fees, submission of abstract, grant application and accommodation facilities.

University of Chicago
September 7 - 9, 2007


David Fisher Indiana University
Alex Furman University of Illinois, Chicago
Anatole Katok Pennsylvania State University
Alexander Lubotzky Hebrew University, Israel
Gregory Margulis Yale University
Amos Nevo Technion, Israel
Leonid Polterovich Tel Aviv University, Israel
Sorin Popa University of California, Los Angeles
Yehuda Shalom Tel Aviv University, Israel
Shmuel Weinberger University of Chicago

Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, Russia
August 20-24, 2007

Topics in Algebraic Geometry, Singularity Theory, Differential Equations, Mechanics, Hydrodynamics, Number Theory.

Organizing committee:

Yu. S. Osipov (Chairman)     
Yu. S. Ilyashenko
V. V. Kozlov (Deputy Chairman)     
A. G. Khovanski
V. A. Vassiliev (Deputy Chairman)     
S. M. Lando
V. N. Chubarikov     
E. F. Mishchenko
A. A. Davydov     
A.G. Sergeev
V. V. Goryunov     
V. M. Zakalyukin.
S. V. Gusein-Zade

Erice, Italy
16-20 July 2007

International school of Complexity
Directors: G. Benedek, M. Gell-Mann, L. Pietronero, C. Tsallis, A. Zichichi

"Statistical physics of social dynamics: opinions, semiotic dynamics and language"
Directors: Vittorio Loreto and Luc Steels
Satellite Workshop of STATPHYS 2007 (9-13 July 2007).

Statistical mechanics has proven to be a very fruitful framework to describe phenomena outside the realm of traditional physics. The last years have witnessed the attempt by physicists to study phenomena which heavily rely on human behavior, like the dynamics of financial markets and the emergence of collective organization in social systems. Social interactions are usually local: every individual interacts with a limited number of its peers, which is negligible as compared with the total number of people inside a community. In spite of that, human societies are characterized by a number of stunning global regularities. There are remarkable transitions from disorder to order, like the emergence of a common language/culture or the creation of a consensus about a specific topic. The conference will specifically focus on three major research lines, i.e. opinion dynamics, cultural dynamics and the evolution of language.

University of Cologne
July 16-20, 2007

○ Main Speakers and Working Group Mentors

    Martin Moller (Max Planck): Billiards and Teichmuller curves.

    Karl Friedrich Siburg (Dortmund): Variational methods in dynamical systems and billiards

    Sergei Tabachnikov (Penn State): Dynamics and geometry of billiards.

○ Senior Speaker

    Curtis T. McMullen (Harvard): Dynamics over moduli space

○ Program

   Lecture series in the morning and intense working groups in the afternoon.

○ Participants

   Postdocs and advanced graduate students working in geometry.

○ Application

   The deadline for applications is April 30, 2007. Participants will be informed about the application results in the first week of May 2006. Please apply using the on-line application form only. Financial support is available.

○ Sponsors
   Graduiertenkolleg "Globale Strukturen in Geometrie und Analysis" Mathematisches Institut, Universitat zu Koln Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

○ Organizers

    Hansjorg Geiges (Koln)
    Stefan Kebekus (Koln)

Technical University of Graz (Austria)
July 9 - 13, 2007

This summer school is supported by the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) and is part of the National Research Network "Analytic Combinatorics and Probabilistic Number Theory".

The summer school is designed for PhD-students and young Post-Docs with some background in ergodic theory and number theory. We kindly ask you to distribute this announcement among young mathematicians that are interested in these topics.

In particular, the program provides four courses on recent developments in the interplay between dynamical systems and number theory:

○ Vitaly Bergelson: Ramsey Theory, Uniform Distribution, and Ergodic Theory
○ Manfred Einsiedler: Dynamics on Locally Homogeneous Spaces
○ Douglas Lind: Dynamics, Algebra, and Number Theory
○ Thomas Ward: Dynamical Properties of Commuting Automorphisms

Organizing Committee:

● Guy Barat, Technische Universitaet Graz
● Mathias Beiglboeck, Technische Universitaet Wien
● Gerhard Dorfer, Technische Universitaet Wien
● Peter Grabner, Technische Universitaet Graz
● Klaus Schmidt, Universitaet Wien
● Joerg Thuswaldner, Universitaet Leoben
● Reinhard Winkler, Technische Universitaet Wien

International Conference in honor of Yakov Pesin on his 60th birthday
Lisbon, Portugal
June 25-29, 2007

To celebrate Yakov Pesin's 60th birthday, the Conference "Nonuniformly Hyperbolic Dynamics and Smooth Ergodic Theory" will be held in Lisbon in June 25-29, 2007. You are cordially invited to participate.

Topics will include the subjects of his landmark works and those on which he exerted the strongest influence (including nonuniform hyperbolicity, smooth ergodic theory, partial hyperbolicity, thermodynamic formalism, dimension theory in dynamics, and related subjects).

In addition to the purely mathematical talks, Anatole Katok will speak with some recollections on the Moscow mathematical school in the seventies, early stages of Yakov Pesin's mathematical career and early
impact of his work.

Organizers: Luis Barreira and Anatole Katok

Institute Henri Poincare in Paris
June 17 - 22, 2007

There will be a Conference in Complex Analysis and its Applications in honor of Gennadi Henkin. The conference will begin on June 17 (2007) in the morning and end on June 22 in the afternoon. All lectures will take place at the Institute Henri Poincare in Paris.

The conference will cover the main scientific interests of Gennadi Henkin: Complex Analysis and its applications to Radon Transforms and Mathematical Physics.

Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi, Pisa, Italy
June 11 - July 6, 2007

The CMI school will take place within the framework of a research trimester on dynamical systems and number theory at the De Giorgi Center. The trimester begins on Apr 16. Please refer to the De Giorgi Center for more information about the trimester  (

Summer School Program Description

Designed for graduate students and mathematicians within five years of their Ph.D., the program is an introduction to the theory of flows on homogeneous spaces, moduli spaces and their many applications.

These flows give concrete examples of dynamical systems with highly interesting behavior and a rich and powerful theory. They are also a source of many interesting problems and conjectures. Furthermore, understanding the dynamics of such concrete system lends to numerous applications in number theory and geometry regarding equidistributions, diophantine approximations, rational billiards and automorphic forms.

The school will consist of three weeks of foundational courses and one week of mini-courses focusing on more advanced topics.

Foundational Courses

The following 3 week lecture series will be held:

     ● "Unipotent flows and applications" Alex Eskin & Dmitry Kleinbock
     ● "Diagonalizable actions and arithmetic applications" Manfred Einsiedler & Elon Lindenstrauss
     ● "Interval exchange maps and translation surfaces" Jean-Christophe Yoccoz

Shorter courses will be given by Svetlana Katok and Shahar Mozes. Advanced minicourse will be given by Nalini Anantharaman, Artur Avila, Hee Oh, Akshay Venkatesh and others.
