Professor Sutherland LinearAlgebra Lecture: MWF 9:35-10:30am Physics P-112

Rec 1: Mon 3:50-4:45pm Union 225
Rec 2: Tue 11:20-12:15pm Harriman 111
Spring 2005
Stony Brook University

The schedule of what we cover, including homework assignments, was last updated on .

The course description (also in PDF format for your printing pleasure) includes details about the text, grading policies, office hours, and all that fun stuff. It was last modified on .

To see your grades in the course so far, enter your Last Name and Stony Brook ID then click .

Information about the exams was last updated on . This includes the grade distribution for the second exam and the solutions.

Students have the option of doing a project on a subject of their choosing related to linear algebra. The project should be a 5-10 page paper (or comparable computer program, etc.) exploring and explaining an application of linear algebra (for example, to graph theory, dynamical systems, computation, etc.), some theoretical aspect of linear algebra we don't cover in this course, or some of the history of linear algebra.
Your project will be graded on how well you cover your topic, including writing style. Please include references to your sources. You may work with another student, but if you do so, your project must be correspondingly more in-depth, and you need to identify explicitly each persons contribution to the project. As described in the course description, this project counts for up to a quarter of your grade in the course. Projects are due on the last day of classes.

Some of the projects have been graded; grades are posted on the course grades page as I do them.


Some supplementary material:

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