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Lecture Content |
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1/23/17 |
Syllabus overview; Ch.1 The Mathematics of Elections: preference schedules, plurality method |
Scanned notes |
1/25/17 |
Ch.1: Borda count method, plurality-with-elimination method |
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1/27/17 |
Ch.1: Method of pairwise comparisons, Arrow's Impossibility Theorem |
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1/30/17 |
Finished up Ch.1; started Ch.2: The Mathematics of Power: weighted voting systems |
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2/1/17 |
Ch.2: weighted voting systems (continued), dictators and veto power |
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2/3/17 |
Ch.2: Banzhaf power: wining coalitions, critical counts, BPI's |
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2/6/17 |
Ch.2: Shapley-Shubik power: sequential coalitions, factorials |
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2/8/17 |
Ch.2: Shapley-Shubik power: pivotal players, SSPI's; Example 2.16 from text (not in scans) |
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2/10/17 |
Ch.3: The Mathematics of Sharing: divider-chooser method, fair division games |
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2/13/17 |
Ch.3: the lone-divider method (by example) |
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2/15/17 |
Ch.3: the lone-divider method, continued (formal steps) |
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2/17/17 |
Ch.3: Finished lone-divider method, started lone-chooser method |
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2/20/17 |
Ch.3: Finished lone-chooser method, began method of sealed bids |
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2/22/17 |
Ch.3: The method of sealed bids, continued |
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2/24/17 |
Ch.3: The end of the method of sealed bids; the method of markers |
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2/27/17 |
Review of the practice exam for Midterm #1 |
practice exam |
3/1/17 |
Midterm #1 |
midterm |
3/3/17 |
Discussion of grades; review of Midterm #1 |
midterm solutions |
3/6/17 |
Ch.5: The Mathematics of Getting Around: street routing problems, intro to graphs |
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3/8/17 |
Ch.5: Graph theory rudiments continued |
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3/8/17 |
Ch.5: Graph theory rudiments continued |
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3/10/17 |
Ch. 5: Euler's theorems |
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3/13-3/17 |
Spring Break week! |
3/20/17 |
Ch.5: Review of Euler's theorems, and intro to Fleury's algorithm |
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3/22/17 |
Ch.5: More of Fleury's algorithm |
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3/24/17 |
Ch.5: Eulerizing a graph |
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3/27/17 |
Ch.6: The Mathematics of Touring: Travelling salesman problems, Hamilton circuits/paths |
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3/29/17 |
Ch.6: The Brute Force Algorithm |
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3/31/17 |
Ch.6: The Nearest Neighbor Algorithm (NNA) |
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4/3/17 |
Ch.6: Repetitive Nearest Neighbor Algorithm (RNNA), Cheapest Link Algorithm |
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4/5/17 |
Ch.7: The Mathematics of Networks |
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4/7/17 |
Ch.7: Kruskal's algorithm |
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4/10/17 |
Class cancelled |
4/12/17 |
Ch. 7: More examples and exercises |
4/14/17 |
Ch. 9: Population Growth Models |
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4/17/17 |
Review of the practice exam for Midterm #2 |
practice exam |
4/19/17 |
Midterm #2 |
midterm |
4/21/17 |
Discussion of grades; review of Midterm #1 |
4/24/17 |
Ch. 9: Linear growth |
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4/26/17 |
Ch. 9: More linear growth; started exponential growth |
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4/28/17 |
Ch. 9: More exponential growth; the geometric sum formula |
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4/28/17 |
Ch. 9: Finished exponential growth; started logistic growth |
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5/1/17 |
Ch. 9: More logistic growth |
5/3/17 |
Ch. 9: More logistic growth, Ch. 9 overview |
5/5/17 |
Last class! Review of practice final |
practice final |
Exam |
File |
Practice Exam for Midterm #1, without solutions (reviewed in class 2/27/17) |
pdf |
Practice Exam for Midterm #1, with solutions |
pdf |
Midterm #1, without solutions (given in class 3/1/17) |
pdf |
Midterm #1, with solutions |
pdf |
Practice Exam for Midterm #2, without solutions (reviewed in class 4/17/17) |
pdf |
Practice Exam for Midterm #2, with solutions |
pdf |
Midterm #2, without solutions (given in class 4/19/17) |
pdf |
Midterm #2, with solutions |
pdf |
Practice Final Exam, without solutions (reviewed in class 5/5/17) |
pdf |
Practice Final Exam, with solutions |
pdf |