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* Starred papers have appeared in the journal cited.

Dzmitry Dudko, Mikhail Lyubich
Local connectivity of the Mandelbrot set at some satellite parameters of bounded type

We explore geometric properties of the Mandelbrot set M, and the corresponding Julia sets J_c, near the main cardioid. Namely, we establish that: a) M is locally connected at certain infinitely renormalizable parameters c of bounded satellite type, providing first examples of this kind; b) The Julia sets J_c are also locally connected and have positive area; c) M is self-similar near Siegel parameters of constant type. We approach these problems by analyzing the unstable manifold of the pacman renormalization operator constructed in [DLS] as a global transcendental family.


Seung-Yeop Lee, Mikhail Lyubich, Nikolai G. Makarov, Sabyasachi Mukherjee
Dynamics of Schwarz reflections: the mating phenomena

In this paper, we initiate the exploration of a new class of anti-holomorphic dynamical systems generated by Schwarz reflection maps associated with quadrature domains. More precisely, we study Schwarz reflection with respect to a deltoid, and Schwarz reflections with respect to a cardioid and a family of circumscribing circles. We describe the dynamical planes of the maps in question, and show that in many cases, they arise as unique conformal matings of quadratic anti-holomorphic polynomials and the ideal triangle group.

Seung-Yeop Lee, Mikhail Lyubich, Nikolai G. Makarov, Sabyasachi Mukherjee
Schwarz reflections and the Tricorn

We continue our study of the family  of Schwarz reflection maps with respect to a cardioid and a circle which was started in [LLMM1]. We prove that there is a natural combinatorial bijection between the geometrically finite maps of this family and those of the basilica limb of the Tricorn, which is the connectedness locus of quadratic anti-holomorphic polynomials. We also show that every geometrically finite map in  arises as a conformal mating of a unique geometrically finite quadratic anti-holomorphic polynomial and a reflection map arising from the ideal triangle group. We then follow up with a combinatorial mating description for the "periodically repelling" maps in . Finally, we show that the locally connected topological model of the connectedness locus of  is naturally homeomorphic to such a model of the basilica limb of the Tricorn.


M. Martens and B. Winkler
Instability of renormalization

In the theory of renormalization for classical dynamical systems, e.g. unimodal maps and critical circle maps, topological conjugacy classes are stable manifolds of renormalization. Physically more realistic systems on the other hand may exhibit instability of renormalization within a topological class. This instability gives rise to new phenomena and opens up directions of inquiry that go beyond the classical theory. In phase space it leads to the coexistence phenomenon, i.e. there are systems whose attractor has bounded geometry but which are topologically conjugate to systems whose attractor has degenerate geometry; in parameter space it causes dimensional discrepancy, i.e. a topologically full family has too few dimensions to realize all possible geometric behavior.

M. Lyubich and H. Peters
Structure of partially hyperbolic Hènon maps

We consider the structure of substantially dissipative complex Hènon maps admitting a dominated splitting on the Julia set. The dominated splitting assumption corresponds to the one-dimensional assumption that there are no critical points on the Julia set. Indeed, we prove the corresponding description of the Fatou set, namely that it consists of only finitely many components, each either attracting or parabolic periodic. In particular there are no rotation domains, and no wandering components. Moreover, we show that $J = J^\star$ and the dynamics on $J$ is hyperbolic away from parabolic cycles.

A. Dudko and S. Sutherland
On the Lebesgue measure of the Feigenbaum Julia set

We show that the Julia set of the Feigenbaum polynomial has Hausdorff dimension less than 2 (and consequently it has zero Lebesgue measure). This solves a long-standing open question.

D. Dudko, M. Lyubich, and N. Selinger
Pacman renormalization and self-similarity of the Mandelbrot set near Siegel parameters

In the 1980s Branner and Douady discovered a surgery relating various limbs of the Mandelbrot set. We put this surgery in the framework of "Pacman Renormalization Theory" that combines features of quadratic-like and Siegel renormalizations. We show that Siegel renormalization periodic points (constructed by McMullen in the 1990s) can be promoted to pacman renormalization periodic points. Then we prove that these periodic points are hyperbolic with one-dimensional unstable manifold. As a consequence, we obtain the scaling laws for the centers of satellite components of the Mandelbrot set near the corresponding Siegel parameters.

Konstantin Bogdanov, Khudoyor Mamayusupov, Sabyasachi Mukherjee, Dierk Schleicher
Antiholomorphic perturbations of Weierstrass Zeta functions and Green's function on tori

In \cite{BeEr}, Bergweiler and Eremenko computed the number of critical points of the Green's function on a torus by investigating the dynamics of a certain family of antiholomorphic meromorphic functions on tori. They also observed that hyperbolic maps are dense in this family of meromorphic functions in a rather trivial way. In this paper, we study the parameter space of this family of meromorphic functions, which can be written as antiholomorphic perturbations of Weierstrass Zeta functions. On the one hand, we give a complete topological description of the hyperbolic components and their boundaries, and on the other hand, we show that these sets admit natural parametrizations by associated dynamical invariants. This settles a conjecture, made in \cite{LW}, on the topology of the regions in the upper half plane ℍ where the number of critical points of the Green's function remains constant.


Jeffrey Brock, Christopher Leininger, Babak Modami, Kasra Rafi
Limit sets of Weil-Petersson geodesics with nonminimal ending laminations

In this paper we construct examples of Weil-Petersson geodesics with nonminimal ending laminations which have 1-dimensional limit sets in the Thurston compactification of Teichmüller space.


R. Radu and R. Tanase
Semi-parabolic tools for hyperbolic Henon maps and continuity of Julia sets in $\mathbb{C}^2$

We prove some new continuity results for the Julia sets $J$ and $J^{+}$ of the complex Hénon map $H_{c,a}(x,y)=(x^{2}+c+ay, ax)$, where $a$ and $c$ are complex parameters. We look at the parameter space of dissipative Hénon maps which have a fixed point with one eigenvalue $(1+t)\lambda$, where $\lambda$ is a root of unity and $t$ is real and small in absolute value. These maps have a semi-parabolic fixed point when $t$ is $0$, and we use the techniques that we have developed in [RT] for the semi-parabolic case to describe nearby perturbations. We show that for small nonzero $|t|$, the Hénon map is hyperbolic and has connected Julia set. We prove that the Julia sets $J$ and $J^{+}$ depend continuously on the parameters as $t\rightarrow 0$, which is a two-dimensional analogue of radial convergence from one-dimensional dynamics. Moreover, we prove that this family of Hénon maps is stable on $J$ and $J^{+}$ when $t$ is nonnegative.
