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* Starred papers have appeared in the journal cited.

Mikhail Lyubich, Sergei Merenkov, Sabyasachi Mukherjee, Dimitrios Ntalampekos
David extension of circle homeomorphisms, welding, mating, and removability

We provide a David extension result for circle homeomorphisms conjugating two dynamical systems such that parabolic periodic points go to parabolic periodic points, but hyperbolic points can go to parabolics as well. We use this result, in particular, to prove the existence of a new class of welding homeomorphisms, to establish an explicit dynamical connection between critically fixed anti-rational maps and kissing reflection groups, to show conformal removability of the Julia sets of geometrically finite polynomials and of the limit sets of necklace reflection groups, to produce matings of anti-polynomials and necklace reflection groups, and to give a new proof of the existence of Suffridge polynomials (extremal points in certain spaces of univalent maps)


Nguyen-Bac Dang, Rostislav Grigorchuk, Mikhail Lyubich
Self-similar groups and holomorphic dynamics: Renormalization, integrability, and spectrum

In this paper, we explore the spectral measures of the Laplacian on Schreier graphs for several self-similar groups (the Grigorchuk, Lamplighter, and Hanoi groups) from the dynamical and algebro-geometric viewpoints. For these graphs, classical Schur renormalization transformations act on appropriate spectral parameters as rational maps in two variables. We show that the spectra in question can be interpreted as asymptotic distributions of slices by a line of iterated pullbacks of certain algebraic curves under the corresponding rational maps (leading us to a notion of a spectral current). We follow up with a dynamical criterion for discreteness of the spectrum. In case of discrete spectrum, the precise rate of convergence of finite-scale approximands to the limiting spectral measure is given. For the three groups under consideration, the corresponding rational maps happen to be fibered over polynomials in one variable. We reveal the algebro-geometric nature of this integrability phenomenon.

Misha Lyubich, John W. Robertson
The Critical Locus and Rigidity of Foliations of Complex Henon Maps

We study Henon maps which are perturbations of a hyperbolic polynomial p with connected Julia set. We give a complete description of the critical locus of these maps. In particular, we show that for each critical point c of p, there is a primary component of the critical locus asymptotic to the line y = c. Moreover, primary components are conformally equivalent to the punctured disk, and their orbits cover the whole critical set. We also describe the holonomy maps from such a component to itself along the leaves of two natural foliations. Finally, we show that a quadratic Henon map taken along with the natural pair of foliations, is a rigid object, in the sense that a conjugacy between two such maps respecting the foliations is a holomorphic or antiholomorphic affine map.

Jonguk Yang
Local Connectivity of Polynomial Julia sets at Bounded Type Siegel Boundaries

Consider a polynomial f of degree d≥2 whose Julia set Jf is connected. If f has a Siegel disc Δf of bounded type rotation number, then Jf is locally connected at the Siegel boundary ∂Δf.


Eric Bedford, Romain Dujardin
Topological and geometric hyperbolicity criteria for polynomial automorphisms of C^2

We prove that uniform hyperbolicity is invariant under topological conjugacy for dissipative polynomial automorphisms of C^2. Along the way we also show that a sufficient condition for hyperbolicity is that local stable and unstable manifolds of saddle points have uniform geometry.


Seung-Yeop Lee, Mikhail Lyubich, Nikolai G. Makarov, Sabyasachi Mukherjee
Schwarz reflections and anti-holomorphic correspondences

In this paper, we continue exploration of the dynamical and parameter planes of one-parameter families of Schwarz reflections that was initiated in \cite{LLMM1,LLMM2}. Namely, we consider a family of quadrature domains obtained by restricting the Chebyshev cubic polynomial to various univalent discs. Then we perform a quasiconformal surgery that turns these reflections to parabolic rational maps (which is the crucial technical ingredient of our theory). It induces a straightening map between the parameter plane of Schwarz reflections and the parabolic Tricorn. We describe various properties of this straightening highlighting the issues related to its anti-holomorphic nature. We complete the discussion by comparing our family with the classical Bullett-Penrose family of matings between groups and rational maps induced by holomorphic correspondences. More precisely, we show that the Schwarz reflections give rise to anti-holomorphic correspondences that are matings of parabolic anti-rational maps with the abstract modular group. We further illustrate our mating framework by studying the correspondence associated with the Schwarz reflection map of a deltoid.


Dzmitry Dudko, Mikhail Lyubich
Local connectivity of the Mandelbrot set at some satellite parameters of bounded type

We explore geometric properties of the Mandelbrot set M, and the corresponding Julia sets J_c, near the main cardioid. Namely, we establish that: a) M is locally connected at certain infinitely renormalizable parameters c of bounded satellite type, providing first examples of this kind; b) The Julia sets J_c are also locally connected and have positive area; c) M is self-similar near Siegel parameters of constant type. We approach these problems by analyzing the unstable manifold of the pacman renormalization operator constructed in [DLS] as a global transcendental family.


Russell Lodge, Mikhail Lyubich, Sergei Merenkov, Sabyasachi Mukherjee
On Dynamical Gaskets Generated by Rational Maps, Kleinian Groups, and Schwarz Reflections

According to the Circle Packing Theorem, any triangulation of the Riemann sphere can be realized as a nerve of a circle packing. Reflections in the dual circles generate a Kleinian group H whose limit set is an Apollonian-like gasket ΛH. We design a surgery that relates H to a rational map g whose Julia set Jg is (non-quasiconformally) homeomorphic to ΛH. We show for a large class of triangulations, however, the groups of quasisymmetries of ΛH and Jg are isomorphic and coincide with the corresponding groups of self-homeomorphisms. Moreover, in the case of H, this group is equal to the group of Möbius symmetries of ΛH, which is the semi-direct product of H itself and the group of Möbius symmetries of the underlying circle packing. In the case of the tetrahedral triangulation (when ΛH is the classical Apollonian gasket), we give a piecewise affine model for the above actions which is quasiconformally equivalent to g and produces H by a David surgery. We also construct a mating between the group and the map coexisting in the same dynamical plane and show that it can be generated by Schwarz reflections in the deltoid and the inscribed circle.


Araceli Bonifant, John Milnor
Group Actions, Divisors, and Plane Curves

After a general discussion of group actions, orbifolds, and "weak orbifolds" this note will provide elementary introductions to two basic moduli spaces over the real or complex numbers: First the moduli space of effective divisors with finite stabilizer on the projective space ℙ1 modulo the group PGL2 of projective transformations of ℙ1; and then the moduli space of effective 1-cycles with finite stabilizer on ℙ2 modulo the group PGL3 of projective transformations of ℙ2.

Jeffrey Brock, Christopher Leininger, Babak Modami, Kasra Rafi
Limit sets of Weil-Petersson geodesics

In this paper we prove that the limit set of any Weil-Petersson geodesic ray with uniquely ergodic ending lamination is a single point in the Thurston compactification of Teichmüller space. On the other hand, we construct examples of Weil-Petersson geodesics with minimal nonuniquely ergodic ending laminations and limit set a circle in the Thurston compactification.

