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University of Porto (Portugal)
February 17-21, 2014

The 3rd International Conference Dynamics Games and Science 2014 - DGS III 2014, aims to bring together world top researchers and practitioners from the fields of Dynamical Systems, Game Theory and its applications to such areas as Biology, Economics and Social Sciences.

DGSIII represents an opportunity for MSc and PhD students and researchers to meet other specialists in their fields of knowledge and to discuss and develop new frameworks and ideas to further improve knowledge and science.

The conference will feature prominent keynote speakers in the main room, with several thematic sessions running in parallel, which may deviate from the main theme.  The last edition took place in Lisbon of  last year (August, 28 - September, 6, 2013), and counted with 18 keynote speakers, and 27 thematic sessions for a total of 117 thematic speakers. (

If you would like to present research you are working on, please apply at:

Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris France
January 6 - April 4, 2014

It is our pleasure to announce the 3-months program "Random Walks and Asymptotic Geometry of Groups",  organised  with the collaboration of the Centre Emile Borel at the Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris, from January 6 to April 4, 2014.

 Information on the program can be found at:

To participate, please register on-line:

DEADLINE to apply for financial support is June 3rd, 2013.

The Institut Henri Poincaré can help you to find an accommodation during your stay in Paris.

An Introductory School attached to this trimester will be held at CIRM (Centre International de Rencontre à Luminy) from January 6th to 17th, 2014.

Moreover 3 workshops will be organized in Paris (IHP):

- Random Walks on Groups, January 27-31, 2014
- Groups Acting on Rooted Trees, February 24-28, 2014
- Asymptotic Properties of Infinite Groups, March 24-28, 2014

 We are looking forward to seeing you in Paris!
The organisers,

Canadian Mathematical Society, Ottowa, Canada
December 6-9, 2013

A Dynamics Session at the Meeting of the Canadian Math Society: Holomorphic dynamics and related topics
Org: Ilia Binder and Michael Yampolsky (University of Toronto)
Schedule to be determined
Eric Bedford (University of Indiana)
Ilia Binder (University of Toronto)
Alexander Blokh (University of Alabama at Birmingham)
Araceli Bonifant (University of Rhode Island)
Artem Dudko (SUNY Stony Brook)
Tatiana Firsova (SUNY Stony Brook)
Denis Gaydashev (Uppsala)
Igors Gorbovickis (University of Toronto)
Peter Hazard (University of Toronto)
Misha Lyubich (SUNY Stony Brook)
Jack Milnor (SUNY Stony Brook)
Rodrigo Perez (IUPUI)
Roland Roeder (IUPUI)
Scott Sutherland (SUNY Stony Brook)
Mircea Voda (University of Toronto)
Michael Yampolsky (University of Toronto)
Hexi Ye (University of Toronto

Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology, Cochin 682039, Kerala,India
November 13-16, 2013

To inspire and motivate researchers and students working in the areas of Fractals and Wavelets.

Academic Support:
Kerala Mathematical Association

Organizing Committee: Vinod Kumar.P.B, Rajagiri Schoolof Engineering & Technology, India.- General Convener


   1. Ajith.S, Rajagiri Schoolof Engineering & Technology, India.
   2. Arya Kumar Bedabrata Chand, Indian Institute of Technology Chennai, India.
   3. Jaison Jacob, Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology, India.
   4. Jayasri R Nair, Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology, India.
   5. Joseph S Paul, Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management Kerala, India..
   6. Kuttyamma.A,J, Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology, India.
   7. Liza Annie Jacob, Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology, India.
   8. Manoj Tharian, Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology, India.
   9. Muralikrishna.P, Naval Physical Oceanographic Laboratory, India.
  10. Radha Ramakrishnan, Indian Institute of Technology Chennai, India.
  11. Ramkumar.P.B, Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology, India.
  12. Sunil Mathew, National Institute of Technology Calicut, India.
  13. Sunny Kuriakose. A, General Secretary, Kerala Mathematical Association.
  14. All Staff members and Students of Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology, India.

Small abstract about the conference Objective of the workshop and conference is to inspire and motivate researchers working in the areas of Fractals and Wavelets. The workshop and conference will focus on Fractals, Self similarity, Iterated Function Systems, Wavelets, Filter banks, Frames, Applications of Fractals, Applications of Wavelets.

Availability of funding: Financial assistance requested to many national and international organizations.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
November 1-3, 2013

Detailed information is available at the conference website:
Please fill out registration form at that site.

In addition to lectures, a Poster Session will be held at this MWDS meeting. If you would like to contribute a poster, please email one of the organizers and also indicate that when completing the Registration Form.

There is funding for this meeting through an NSF grant and the University of Illinois. Besides providing support for the meeting speakers, support will first be given for individuals from underrepresented groups, junior participants, and participants without their own funding.

Confirmed Speakers
Plenary Lecture: Giovanni Forni (University of Maryland), Nov 1, afternoon
Special Lectures on November 2 and 3 by:
Vitaly Bergelson (Ohio State University)
Laura DeMarco (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Marian Gidea (Northeastern Illinois University)
Francois Ledrappier (Notre Dame)
Roland Roeder (IUPUI)
Ayse Sahin (DePaul University)
Dan Thompson (Ohio State University)
Ralf Spatzier (University of Michigan)

If you have any questions about this meeting, please be in contact with one of the organizers:
Jayadev Athreya, Joseph Rosenblatt and Kelly Yancey.

Center for Dynamics and Geometry, Penn State University
October 17-20, 2013

The 24th Fall meeting of the Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics will take place on October 17 - 20, 2013.  All lectures will be at the Mathematics Department (114 McAllister Building) at the Penn State University Park campus.  The conference will start around 1 pm on Thursday and end by 2 pm on Sunday.

This workshop has been hosted each fall since 1991 by Penn State University and each spring since 1992 by the University of Maryland, and is jointly sponsored by the two institutions. The basic funding of the workshop is provided by an NSF grant. Additional funding for this meeting, is provided by the Center for Dynamics and Geometry at Penn State.


A special session dedicated to the 70th birthday of John Franks will take place on Friday, October 18 and feature talks on the topics related to his work.

4th MICHAEL BRIN PRIZE in DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS sponsored by the Center for Dynamics and Geometry at Penn State will be awarded on Saturday, October 19.   Saturday afternoon session will feature the award ceremony and three talks dedicated to the award winning work and other achievements of the winner.


Valentin Afraimovich, Philip Boyland, Sylvain Crovisier, Michael Handel, Huyi Hu, Anatole Katok, Bryna Kra, Patrice Le Calvez, Kamlesh Parwani, Dmitri Scheglov, Klaus Schmidt, Scott Schmieding, Nimish Shah, Ralf Spatzier, Zhiren Wang, Amie Wilkinson, and Andrew Zimmer


Please make your own lodging reservations.  The room blocks and cutoff dates are listed on the attached registration form.  Please register at your earliest possible convenience by completing the form and sending it back to me.  A tentative list of participants will be placed on the web site.  If you plan to request support (even hotel), please note it on the registration form by September 4, 2013.

Boris Kalinin      
Federico Rodriguez Hertz

Conference staff assistant:
Hope Shaffer or call to 814-863-9017

Conference web site:

Hope Shaffer, Staff Assistant
Department of Mathematics
Penn State University
107A McAllister Building
University Park, PA 16802
(814)863-9017   FAX: (814)865-6073

Centro di Ricerca Ennio De Giorgi, Pisa, Italy
June 11-14, 2013

Participants are requested to register on the website of the conference:  Registration

We would also like to inform you that on this occasion we will make some funds available to offer financial support to a number of selected young researchers and students.  If you wish to propose a contributed talk, please send an abstract to

* Application for financial support and talk proposal: March 31
* Registration: May 25

The workshop will focus on the interplay between dynamical systems and arithmetic, and in particular on the study of arithmetic algorithms of significance in dynamics and geometry. Since the discovery of a relation between the continued fraction algorithm and the geodesic flow on the modular surface, a vast field of research has developed whose main goal is to understand the dynamics of geometric flows in terms of discrete arithmetic algorithms. Of particular importance in this picture are interval exchange transformations, which code the Teichmuller geodesic flow. In the workshop, we will discuss recent developments in the metric theory of continued fractions and their various generalizations (one- and multidimensional), as well as interval exchange maps and their applications to Teichmuller theory.

We are looking forward to your participation.

The organizers,
Stefano Marmi, Carlo Carminati, Giulio Tiozzo

Institut Henri Poincare, Paris France
June 10 - 14, 2013

The Second Palis-Balzan International Symposium on Dynamical Systems is a part of Project Palis-Balzan – Dynamical Systems, Chaotic Behaviour-Uncertainty, sponsored by the Balzan Foundation, from the prestigious award conferred to Jacob Palis (and IMPA) by the Balzan Foundation in 2010 (with previous winners [in Mathematics category] including A. Kolmogorov, E. Bombieri, J.-P. Serre, A. Borel, M. Gromov and P. Deligne). This project is mainly coordinated by Jacob Palis and Jean-Christophe Yoccoz, and the organizing committee of the Second Palis-Balzan symposium consists of S. Crovisier, J. Palis, Jean-Christophe Yoccoz and myself.

Among the confirmed speakers, we have:

Boris Adamczewski
Pierre Arnoux
Tim Austin
Vitaly Bergelson
Julien Cassaigne
Alex Eskin
Sébastien Ferenczi
Albert Fisher
Bryna Kra
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa
Ali Messaoudi
János Pintz
Miguel Walsh
Barak Weiss
Maté Wierdl
Luca Zamboni

and we expect to confirm the participation of the following mathematicians:

Jean Bourgain
Yann Bugeaud
Hillel Furstenberg
Elon Lindenstrauss
Curtis T. McMullen
Peter Sarnak

Organizing Committee

Sylvain Crovisier (CNRS)
Jacob Palis (IMPA)
Carlos Matheus Santos (CNRS)
Jean-Christophe Yoccoz (Collège de France)

Heraklion, Crete, Greece
June 3-7, 2013

Organizers: Nikos Frantzikinakis and Bryna Kra


*To be confirmed.
Name     Affiliation
Tim Austin     Courant Institute, USA
Vitaly Bergelson     Ohio State University, USA
Michael Bjoerklund     ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Van Cyr     Northwestern University, USA
Manfred Einsiedler     ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Alexander Fish     University of Sydney, Australia
Hillel Furstenberg     Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Alexander Gamburd     City University of New York, USA
Eli Glasner     Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Alexander Gorodnik     University of Bristol, UK
John Griesmer     University of Denver, USA
Michael Hochman     Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Bernard Host     Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vall&eacutee, France
Dmitry Kleinbock     Brandeis University, USA
Mariusz Lemanczyk     University of Torun, Poland
Elon Lindenstrauss     Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Alejandro Maass     University of Chile, Chile
Randall McCutcheon     University of Memphis, USA
Anthony Quas*     University of Victoria, Canada
Ayse Sahin     DePaul University, USA
Uri Shapira     ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Balazs Szegedy     University of Toronto, Canada
Miguel Walsh*     Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Barak Weiss*     Ben Gurion University, Israel
Benjamin Weiss     Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Mate Wierdl     University of Memphis, USA
XiangDong Ye     University of Science and Technology, China
Pavel Zorin-Kranich     University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Funding: some funding is available, particularly for junior participants.

Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy
May 20 - 31, 2013

The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) is organizing an Advanced School and Workshop in Real and Complex Dynamics, to be held from 20 to 31 May 2013, in Trieste, Italy. It will be directed by M. Lyubich (Stony Brook), J. Smillie (Cornell), S. van Strien (Imperial College) and S.Luzzatto (ICTP).

Dynamical Systems is a very broad field with many applications. This activity will focus on some advanced topics in dynamics and so will be suitable for mathematicians who have a strong background and are ambitious and interested in developing their research in dynamical systems in a solid and rigorous direction.

The first week of the activity is devoted to a school giving an overview of current research topics in real and complex dynamics. Four intensive courses will be given.

One - Dimensional Real Dynamics (S. van Strien)
Two - Dimensional Real Dynamics (M. Martens)
One - Dimensional Complex Dynamics (M. Lyubich)
Two - Dimensional Complex Dynamics (J. Smillie)

The second week will be an international workshop, where leading experts will report on the newest developments in the field of Real and Complex Dynamics.

Invited Speakers: Marco Abate (Pisa), Artur Avila (IMPA), Eric Bedford (Indiana), Araceli Bonifant (Rhode Island), Xavier Buff (Toulouse), Arnaud Cheritat (Toulouse), Welington de Melo (IMPA), Tien-Cuong Dinh (Jussieu), Romain Dujardin (Polytechnique, Paris), Denis Gaidashev (Uppsala), Anton Gorodetsky (Irvine), John Hubbard (Cornell), Jeremy Kahn (Brown), Vadim Kaloshin (Maryland), Stefano Marmi (Scuola Normale Superiore,Pisa), John Milnor (Stony Brook), Volodia Nekrashevich (Texas A&M), Enrique Pujals (IMPA), Maria Saprykina (Stockholm), Weixao Shen (Singapore), Mitsuhiro Shishikura (Kyoto), Nessim Sibony (Paris-Sud), Tetsuo Ueda (Kyoto), Michael Yampolsky (Toronto), Jean-Christophe Yoccoz (Collège de France).

Activity Secretariat:
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Strada Costiera 11
I-34151 Trieste  Italy
Telefax: +39-040-2240-7455 - E-mail:
ICTP Home Page:
