The 24th Fall meeting of the Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics will take place on October 17 - 20, 2013. All lectures will be at the Mathematics Department (114 McAllister Building) at the Penn State University Park campus. The conference will start around 1 pm on Thursday and end by 2 pm on Sunday.
This workshop has been hosted each fall since 1991 by Penn State University and each spring since 1992 by the University of Maryland, and is jointly sponsored by the two institutions. The basic funding of the workshop is provided by an NSF grant. Additional funding for this meeting, is provided by the Center for Dynamics and Geometry at Penn State.
A special session dedicated to the 70th birthday of John Franks will take place on Friday, October 18 and feature talks on the topics related to his work.
4th MICHAEL BRIN PRIZE in DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS sponsored by the Center for Dynamics and Geometry at Penn State will be awarded on Saturday, October 19. Saturday afternoon session will feature the award ceremony and three talks dedicated to the award winning work and other achievements of the winner.
Valentin Afraimovich, Philip Boyland, Sylvain Crovisier, Michael Handel, Huyi Hu, Anatole Katok, Bryna Kra, Patrice Le Calvez, Kamlesh Parwani, Dmitri Scheglov, Klaus Schmidt, Scott Schmieding, Nimish Shah, Ralf Spatzier, Zhiren Wang, Amie Wilkinson, and Andrew Zimmer
Please make your own lodging reservations. The room blocks and cutoff dates are listed on the attached registration form. Please register at your earliest possible convenience by completing the form and sending it back to me. A tentative list of participants will be placed on the web site. If you plan to request support (even hotel), please note it on the registration form by September 4, 2013.
Boris Kalinin
Federico Rodriguez Hertz
Conference staff assistant:
Hope Shaffer or call to 814-863-9017
Conference web site:
Hope Shaffer, Staff Assistant
Department of Mathematics
Penn State University
107A McAllister Building
University Park, PA 16802
(814)863-9017 FAX: (814)865-6073