Stony Brook Mathematics Department

MAE 301 - Fundamentals of Secondary School Mathematics - Fall 2001

* Index
* Announcement
* Teaching Staff, Office Hours
* Syllabus & Homework
* Students' scores on examinations

Students' scores on examinations

Students' scores on Regents Course III Examination Part II

MAE 301 students took Part II of the New York State Regents Course III Examination on August 29, 2001. They were given one hour for this part of the test (4 long-answer questions out of a set of 7). Scores (maximum=40) were as follows

3 1111234448
2 0222444558889
1 4445568
0 1
31 students took the examination.

Students who scored below 25 clearly have a long road to travel before they can teach this material. Students who scored below 20 should seriously reconsider their decision to follow a career in secondary mathematics education. Please speak to me and/or to Mrs. Magram about the implications of this score.

Anthony Phillips
September 10 2001

Students' scores on Midterm 1

7 00055588
6 002455579
5 00559
4 02555
3 007
2 4
0 8

total score 100
class average 56

Students' scores on Midterm 2

8 024445589
7 0222334558889
6 058
5 3378
4 379

total score 100
class average 70

Students' scores on Final Regents Course III Examination

10 00
 9 012234555777888
 8 156678888899
 7 3577

Students had 2.5 hours for a complete Course III examination.
85 was required for a "C" or better final letter grade.
Anthony Phillips
Math Dept SUNY Stony Brook
February 14 2002