Stony Brook University
319/320 Analysis -- Fall 2007

* Index
* Course Description
* Teaching Staff, Office Hours
* Syllabus and Homework


These courses will be taught this semester by Sylvain Bonnot (319) and Anthony Phillips (320). During the first five weeks of the term the classes will meet together; Phillips and Bonnot will alternate weeks of instruction.

Bonnot: 5D-148 Math Tower, 632-7308, bonnot at
Office hours Thursday 2pm to 5pm in 5D-148

Phillips: 3-113 Math Tower, 632-8259, tony at
Office hours Wed 2-4 in 3-113, 4-5 in Math Learning Center.

Recitation leaders:

Michael Chance, 3-103 Math Tower, mchance at
Office hours Mon 1-2 in 3-103, Wed 4-6 in MLC

Robert Findley, 3-122 Math Tower, rfindley at
Office hours Wed 6-8 in MLC, Fri 2-3 in 3-122.