
> data:=[[1,2], [2,2], [5,6], [7,9], [8,10]];

[[1, 2], [2, 2], [5, 6], [7, 9], [8, 10]] (1)



> plot(data,style=point);


How far away is y=x+1.2 from this data?   need some idea of distance(line, data) 



bad idea: sum of differences in y values 

> f:=x->x+1.2;

proc (x) options operator, arrow; `+`(x, 1.2) end proc (2)

> f(3);

4.2 (3)

> g:=x+1.2;

`+`(x, 1.2) (4)

> g(3);

`+`(x(3), 1.2) (5)

can reference elements in a list using [] 

> data;

[[1, 2], [2, 2], [5, 6], [7, 9], [8, 10]] (6)

> data[3];

[5, 6] (7)

> data[3][1];

5 (8)

> data[3][2];

6 (9)

> f(data[3][1]);

6.2 (10)

> f(data[3][1])-data[3][2];

.2 (11)

> seq( f(data[i][1])-data[i][2], i=1..5);

.2, 1.2, .2, -.8, -.8 (12)

> sum( f(data[i][1])-data[i][2], i=1..5);

0. (13)

> h:=x->0.9*x+1.2;

proc (x) options operator, arrow; `+`(`*`(.9, `*`(x)), 1.2) end proc (14)

> sum( h(data[i][1])-data[i][2], i=1..5);
seq( h(data[i][1])-data[i][2], i=1..5);


.1, 1.0, -.3, -1.5, -1.6 (15)


Bad, gives 0 when fit isn't perfect. 


next try, consider sum(absvalue) 


> sum( abs(h(data[i][1])-data[i][2]), i=1..5);

4.500000000 (16)

> sum( abs(f(data[i][1])-data[i][2]), i=1..5);

3.200000000 (17)


want to write a function that gives me abs difference between  f and a point.  This is  |f(p_x) - p_y| 


> err := (f, p) -> abs( f(p[1]) - p[2]);

proc (f, p) options operator, arrow; abs(`+`(f(p[1]), `-`(p[2]))) end proc (18)

> err( h, [5,6]);

.3 (19)

> err( h, data[2]);

1.0 (20)

Note that garbage in gives a garbage answer. 

> err(3,7);

abs(`+`(7[2], `-`(3))) (21)

now distance is the sum of the errors 


> nops(data);

5 (22)

> nops( {1, 2,3,4,5,6,7});

7 (23)

> nops(f);

1 (24)

> sum( abs(h(data[i][1])-data[i][2]), i=1..nops(data));

4.500000000 (25)

> sum( err(h,data[i]), i=1..nops(data));

4.500000000 (26)

> dist:= h-> sum( err(h,data[i]), i=1..nops(data));

proc (h) options operator, arrow; sum(err(h, data[i]), i = 1 .. nops(data)) end proc (27)

> dist(h);

4.500000000 (28)

> dist(f);

3.200000000 (29)

> dist(exp);evalf(%);


`+`(exp(1), `-`(29), exp(2), exp(5), exp(7), exp(8))
4207.111642 (30)

> dist(x->3*x+2);

50 (31)



Try distance for various lines of slope 1, varying intercept. 


You should think about how to do this, and we'll go over it next week.