MAT 125 - Calculus A
Stony Brook University - Spring 2018
Organizational Information
Schedule, Homeworks, Lecture videos, etc.
- Schedule and homework assignments.
(last updated
Apr 30 2018, 1:53pm.)
There are a number of videos covering the course
material. Some of these are short (5-15 minutes) and cover a single topic,
and others are class lectures given in a previous semester (which cover
the same stuff).
(last changed
Sep 03 2021, 12:31pm.)
You can see your grades in
the Grade
Center on blackboard. These could be a little out of date.
- Midterm 1: Monday, February 19 at 8:45pm.
Here is more information on the midterm,
including all three versions of the exam (with solutions).
Grade distribution and letter-grade equivalents are also here.
- Midterm 2: Thursday, March 29 at 8:45pm.
See here for more information,
including copies of the exam(s), the solutions, and grade distribution.
- Final: Wednesday, May 9 at 8:00am.
The final will be in two parts: the first part will be held during
during the last week of April at various times; the second part
on May 9.
More details can be found here.
Other things
- A Fable:
and Alissi. The Story of Two Newcomers to the Town of Calculus.
that this course is not about.
Don't be fooled by imitations. Accept only the genuine article.
- The Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) program
is an (optional) supplemental instruction component to
the course which meets weekly.
This is lead by undergraduates who have
done well in MAT125 in the past and come to each of the lectures.
Here is a flyer about it.
The PAL leaders are:
Tasnia (Mondays 12-1:20 in
Library N3033),
Lyle (Thursdays 11:30-12:50 in Frey 226), and
Alyssa (Tuesdays
2:30-3:50 in Physics P122).
- The Academic Success & Tutoring Center (ASTC) provides free
tutoring for students in MAT125 (among many other courses), but you have
to sign up in advance.
- The Math Learning
Center (MLC) provides free drop-in help in any math course, including
MAT125. It is open
beginning at 10 am,
and is staffed by faculty and teaching assistants from the math department.