Welcome to History of Mathematics

MAT 336 - Spring 2023


Below there is a paper or book chapter about the topics that were assigned to each of the students.

In a few cases, there are two papers about the same topic. If your topic is one of those, you can choose on which of those to paper you will write the report.

The book Journey through genius is in the library.

Presentations topics and papers

Gauss and the Discovery of Ceres .


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3The Evolution of the Normal Distribution


4Euler and the proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra

A Sampler of Euler's Number Theory Journey through genius


Gauss and the Regular Polygon of Seventeen Sides

Gauss-Jordan Reduction: A Brief History

On Gauss's First Proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra


How Ptolemy constructed trigonometry tables

How Kepler Discovered the Elliptical Orbit

The Discovery of Ceres: How Gauss Became Famous

Numbers, equations and Computations

Stevin on decimal fractions

Viète's use of decimal fractions

Origin and Evolution of the Secant Method in One Dimension


The birth of Literal Algebra

Heron's Formula for Triangular Area Journey through genius

China The "piling up squares"in Ancient China

Set Theory

The Non-Denumerabilty of the Continuum Journey through genius

Cantor and the Transfinite Realm Journey through genius


Multiplication from Lilavati to the Summa

The Discovery of the Series Formula for π by Leibniz, Gregory and Nilakantha

Ancient Indian Square Roots

Algebra-Islamic The Algebra of Abu Kamil

Number theory Ramanujan's Notebooks (also The Indian Mathematician Ramanujan)


Ideas of Calculus in Islam and India

The Evolution of Integration

The Lost Calculus (1637-1670): Tangency and Optimization without Limits

Hamilton's Discovery of Quaternions


Fermat Last Theorem

The Lost Calculus (1637-1670): Tangency and Optimization without Limits/a>

Page design by Scott Sutherland