
MAT 336 Fall 2020 - Syllabus

Course information

Your instructor strove to make this syllabus as complete as possible. Please read it carefully. If you find a mistake, omission or there is something unclear, ask a question in the Syllabus Discussion Forum in Blackboard.

Instructor: Moira Chas

Instructor email address: moira.chas ``at''

Office: 3-113 Math Tower

Lectures:MW Lecture 1: 2:40pm- 4:00pn; Lecture 2: 11:45am- 1:05pm. 

Office hours: Monday 1:30 to 2:30pm, Wednesday 9:30 to 11:30am and by appointment.  (Zoom link is in Blackboard). You are most welcome to make an appointment with me. In that case, email me with a few possible time slots.

Prerequisites: MAT 200 or AMS 310.

Grader: Jade Nine

Grader Email Address : jade.nine “at”

Grader Office Hour:Tuesday 3 to 4pm

Course Delivery Mode:

  • Lectures are synchronous online.
  • Attendance is expected, with web camera on if possible. Otherwise, please put a photo or an avatar. It will help me to see a face when I am teaching.


  • We will communicate via
    •  announcements on the course Blackboard site,
    •  email
    •  the Discussion Board available through the Discussions tab on the course Blackboard site where all of your course-related questions should be posted and where answers will be posted.
  • If you need to miss class for a justifiable reason, please fill this form.
  • I would not answer individual questions by email, unless it is a question that only pertains to you. Questions about homework,  quizzes, paper, etc must be asked in the discussion board in Blackboard.
  • Course materials will be posted on the course schedule.
  • Quizzes and homework assignments will be posted on Blackboard and must be uploaded to Blackboard. 
  • including course modules, quizzes, and assignments are posted on the course Blackboard site, and you will upload all assignments to Blackboard.
  • Course grades will be posted on Blackboard.
  • Any question about grades of homework and quizzes must be directed to Jade Nine, our grader.
  • Make sure you communicate with me as soon as you can any issue that interferes with your learning (COVID related or not). Often, I can help find a solution if I know the problem early enough.
  • There will be two discussion boards on Blackboard, one for syllabus questions, the other for content of the course questions. Everybody is encourage to ask (make sure that you read the syllabus first, and that your question is not answered here) and to answer. Answers count as class participation grade.
  • The course schedule (with all deadlines) is here. (Note that this schedule is tentative and will be updated according to the progress of the class).
  • You must have an active Stony Brook University email account and access to the Internet. All instructor correspondence will be sent to your SBU email account. Plan on checking your SBU email account regularly for course-related messages, as well as checking Blackboard daily.
  • Remember that we will not have the non-verbal cues that occur in a regular classroom. I cannot see your expression. Thus, it is fundamental that you tell me when you need my help.
  • We must be polite, respectful and patient with each other. Remember that we all learn at different speeds.
  • Avoid cluttering your messages with excessive emphasis (stars, arrows, exclamations).
  •  If you are responding to a message, include the relevant part of the original message in your reply, or refer to the original post to avoid confusion;
  • Be specific and clear, especially when asking questions.
  • Write in complete and correct English sentences. Use standard punctuation and capitalization.
  • Remember that not all readers have English as their native language, so make allowances for possible misunderstandings and unintended discourtesies.

Course Texts, Materials and Supplies:

  • There is no required textbook (but there will reading!)
  • There is a great deal of relevant material in the digital library JSTOR, which you can access with your Stony Brook Net ID. Other materials will be posted on the course schedule.
  • Students will need to a laptop, a tablet or a phone to attend lectures. A form about technology is posted on the schedule. Please contact the instructor if access for technology is an issue.

Attendance, Participation, and Classroom Climate. Online etiquette:

  • Attendance is expected.
  • Discussion and participation are a major emphasis in this course. This means that it is your responsibility to come to class ready and willing to take part in group discussions and exercises.
  • I strongly recommend to set up a "do not disturb" or equivalent in your phone. 
  • Feel free (and encouraged!) to discuss with me any issue related to classroom dynamics that affects you.
  • If any health issue prevents you for participating in the lectures and/or do the required work, contact me as soon as possible so we can find an alternative way for you to succeed in this class.
  • There will be on line polls and questions during the lectures. These can be answered with a web browser or by text. If you have trouble answering, please contact me as soon as possible.

Course Learning Objectives 

Course Description: A survey of the history of mathematics from the beginnings through the 19th century, with special attention to primary sources and to the interactions between culture and mathematics. Emphasis on topics germane to the high school curriculum. Mesopotamian, Egyptian, and Greek mathematics; non-European mathematics; early Renaissance mathematics; the birth and flowering of calculus; the beginnings of probability theory; and the origin of non-euclidean geometries and the modern concept of number.
    (Opinion of the instructor: I find it wonderful to observe the evolution of mathematical ideas through the time and I can't wait to share it with all the students)
Specific Course Goals:
  • Describe the mathematical progress starting from ancient cultures such as Egypt, Babylonia, Greece, China, India and the Islamic world, and continuing with the European Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the seventeenth and eighteenth, centuries in Europe and the Americas;
  • Solve mathematical problems from the societies under study the way these problems were solved.
  • Read and understand mathematical primary sources from different periods.

Stony Brook Curriculum requirements:

  • Successful completion of MAT 336 with a C or better satisfies DEC H and the expository portion of the upper-division writing requirement for the mathematics major, as well as the STAS, WRTD, and SPK objectives in the Stony Brook Curriculum (see below).
  • Learning Outcomes for "Understand relationships between Science or Technology and the Arts, Humanities or Social Sciences (STAS)": Apply concepts and tools drawn from any field of study in order to understand the links between science or technology and the arts, humanities or social sciences. Synthesize quantitative and/or technical information and qualitative information to make informed judgments about the reciprocal relationship between science or technology and the arts, humanities or social sciences.
  • Learning Outcomes for “Speak Effectively before an Audience (SPK)” Research a topic, develop an oral argument and organize supporting details. Deliver a proficient and substantial oral presentation for the intended audience using appropriate media. Evaluate oral presentations of others according to specific criteria.
  • Learning Outcomes for “Write Effectively within One’s Discipline (WRTD) Collect the most pertinent evidence, draw appropriate disciplinary inferences, organize effectively for one's intended audience, and write in a confident voice using correct grammar and punctuation.

Assignments, Assessment and Grading

We will have homework assignments, quizzes, a presentation and a term paper.

Presentation and paper:

The paper and presentation must be addressed to an audience who is not necessarily a mathematician, rather somebody who knows some mathematics (say, a  sophomore Math major at Stony Brook who knows what a proof is.) It should be as self-contained as possible.

Bibliography checklist for presentation and paper:

  • It contains at least book. (Besides the Stony Brook Library, a good source of online books is the Internet Archive)
  • It contains at least one primary source, possibly translated from the original language. (A primary source is an original writing -possibly translated- from the area under study. For instance,  Euler on the Bridges of Koningsber, translated by Prof. Phillips, The Foundations of Geometry by David Hilbert.)
  • It contains at least one secondary source. A secondary source is a paper that elaborates on a primary source. The paper "Jiu zhang suan shu" (Nine Chapters on the Art of Mathematics) - An Appraisal of the Text, its Editions, and Translations is an example of a secondary source. (JSTOR is a good source of such papers).
  • The bibliography must contain at least one paper (a secondary source). In the course website, there is one suggested paper. Most of the suggestions are papers I found on a quick search, and it is not mandatory to use them.
  • Numerical pointers to the bibliography are fine. Other formats are acceptable as long as they are clear and precise. (Google scholar is usually helpful. Check the “ below an entry). The URL address can be added but it cannot replace all the other data (author, title, year, etc). JSTOR also gives citation. For instance, the secondary source cited about is Dauben, Joseph W. “九章箅术 ‘Jiu Zhang Suan Shu’ (Nine Chapters on the Art of Mathematics) - An Appraisal of the Text, Its Editions, and Translations.” Sudhoffs Archiv, vol. 97, no. 2, 2013, pp. 199–235. JSTOR, Accessed 14 Aug. 2020.

Outline and abstract of paper and presentation checklist:
  • The abstract is a short summary (a couple of paragraphs) of the material.
  • The outline describes the structure of the paper (see the examples).
  Presentation checklist:
  • The presentation was rehearsed by with the instructor by Zoom.
  • The presentation starts with a very brief presentation of the speaker (you!) and explains why this topic was attractive (or not!)
  • The  presentation is done in by Zoom over a topic assigned by the instructor, with the student input.
  • It lasts between 15 and 20 minutes.
  •  After the presentation, there will be a short class discussion, in which the other students can ask questions, or make comments.
  • All students (except the presenter) will  fill up a short google form about the presentation.
  • The schedule for student in-class presentations is subject to change, and any changes will be announced in class.
  •  The presenter must use PowerPoint or similar software. The slides cannot contain more than 100 words in total. (If you really need to put more than 100 words, discuss this issue with your instructor) Notes to help your memory are fine. (Of course your presentation cannot consist only of reading)

Format, topic and submission of the paper checklist:
  • The topic is chosen by the student and approved by the instructor.
  • The topic is different from that of the presentation.
  • The paper contains at least 2500 words (excluding the bibliography).
  • The number of words (excluding the bibliography) of the paper is  included after the title.
  • The paper is written in an easily readable font (like Times New Roman or Cambria), size 12 pts.
  • The paper is in PDF form.
  • The paper is submitted through Blackboard.
  •  The paragraphs are double spaced and have their first line indented.
  • The paper contains relevant diagrams, figures and/or tables.
  • Diagrams, figures and tables  should be clearly captioned, and, if appropriate, include credits. They are referenced in a consistent way.  (If a diagram, figure or table is not referenced, it may not be relevant).
  • The paper contains
    • a brief historic frame of the topic in question,
    • a brief mathematical frame
    • a very clear discussion of a particular math point. This math point can be, for instance, the solution of a problem, or the proof of a statement. The “math point” has to be something that the student understands very well.

  • Lengthy biographical sketches are not needed -they are easily available. But historical antecedents of the points you are explaining, and their historical consequences, are worth exploring.
Draft of the paper checklist:
  • The draft has at least 2500 words.
  • The draft is not necessarily the finished paper but is a readable document that "makes sense".

Quizzes and Homework:

  • There are seven quizzes and seven homework assignments in alternating weeks.
  • Only 6 quizzes count toward your quiz grade (that is, the lowest grade quiz will be dropped). Also, only 6 homework assignments count towards your homework grade.
  • The grader might grade only selected problems on the homework.
  • Homework will be posted on Wednesday in the week before it is due.
  • No late homework will be accepted.
  • There are no make-up quizzes. 
  • Each quiz and each homework is worth  the same amount of points.
  • Quizzes will be taken during class time, and should be uploaded to Blackboard, on the dates indicated on the course schedule.  Students who are experiencing internet problems should alert the Instructor and both the instructor and the grader as soon as possible by email.
  • Make sure that you spend enough time working on the homework, and reviewing for the quiz.
  • If needed, materials will be posted in the course schedule to supplement what we do in class. Lectures and materials posted in the schedule should be enough to solve the homework problems. If you have doubts, do not hesitate to ask on the discussion board on Blackboard.
  • While you can discuss homework problems with your classmates, your write-up must be your own. It is not allowed to "cut and paste" content from the internet.
  • You are not allowed surf the internet during the quizzes. You are ONLY allowed to have your notes.
  • Quizzes and homework assignments must be readable. The grader will not grade illegible work.
  • You can submit quizzes and homework either by typing in your computer and uploading the file or clearly writing on paper and uploading a clear picture of your work.
  • Participation grade for this class will be based on discussion and activities that we do in class,  Blackboard discussions and evaluation of presentations as well as in-class polls and questions. Note that participation means being fully present in class,  work on the proposed activities and ask relevant questions. It does not mean to have the perfect answer at all times.

Presentation rubric

The presentation rubric is here.

Paper grading rubric:

  1. (10 points) Outline Content 
  2. (10 points) Bibliography  (follows the syllabus guidelines)
  3. (10 points) Abstract
  4. (10 points) Draft  
  5. (10 points)  References are relevant and correctly cited.
  6. (10 points) The paper contains relevant diagrams, figures and/or tables. Diagrams, figures and tables  are be clearly captioned, and, if appropriate, include credits. They are referenced in a consistent way.
  7. (10 points)  Ideas are arranged logically and flow smoothly.
  8. (10 points)  Writing is clear, with no grammatical, spelling, or punctuation  errors. 
  9. (10 points) Demonstrates a sophisticated understanding and careful, critical analysis
  10. (10 points) Creativity/Originality, personal point of view.
  11. (10 points) The paper contains  a brief historic frame of the topic in question,
  12. (40 points)  Mathematical general content is clear an relevant.
  13. (40 points)  Mathematical  point is well understood and explained.

Final Grade Breakdown:

What % of grade
Homework 12%
Quizzes 12%
Presentation 21%
Paper 45%
Class participation 10%
Extra credit: Make a short movie (about 3 minutes) or podcast about a relevant topic that interests you.Feel free to ask me about this.


The schedule of the course is here.


Rehearsal of the presentation On Friday, on the week previous to the presentation. After the topics are distributed, I will post a tentative time slot for the rehearsal. If you cannot make that time, please contact me.

University and Course Policies University Policies:

Student Accessibility Support Center Statement:

If you have a physical, psychological, medical, or learning disability that may impact your course work, please contact the Student Accessibility Support Center, 128 ECC Building, (631) 632-6748, or at They will determine with you what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential. Students who require assistance during emergency evacuation are encouraged to discuss their needs with their professors and the Student Accessibility Support Center. For procedures and information go to the following website: and search Fire Safety and Evacuation and Disabilities.

Academic Integrity Statement:

Each student must pursue his or her academic goals honestly and be personally accountable for all submitted work. Representing another person's work as your own is always wrong. Faculty is required to report any suspected instances of academic dishonesty to the Academic Judiciary. Faculty in the Health Sciences Center (School of Health Technology & Management, Nursing, Social Welfare, Dental Medicine) and School of Medicine are required to follow their school-specific procedures. For more comprehensive information on academic integrity, including categories of academic dishonesty please refer to the academic judiciary website at Important Note: Any form of academic dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism, will be reported to the Academic Judiciary.

 Critical Incident Management:

 Stony Brook University expects students to respect the rights, privileges, and property of other people. Faculty are required to report to the Office of University Community Standards any disruptive behavior that interrupts their ability to teach, compromises the safety of the learning environment, or inhibits students' ability to learn. Faculty in the HSC Schools and the School of Medicine are required to follow their school-specific procedures. Further information about most academic matters can be found in the Undergraduate Bulletin, the Undergraduate Class Schedule, and the Faculty-Employee Handbook.

. Course Links:
  • I am aware that we are all living in a stressful, uncertain moment and hope that we can use the wonders of mathematics to forget, at least temporarily, our worries.


  • Grades will be posted on Blackboard.

Career Center Virtual Job and Internship Fairs

The Career Center will be running all of our annual job and internship fairs virtually using Handshake this fall.  Students and alumni will be able to participate in pre-scheduled ten-minute video appointments with employers for our fairs through Handshake. 

Registration and Employer Appointment Sign-Ups: September 8 at 8 pm  

It is important students and alumni register and sign up when appointment slots open up to ensure they can meet with the employers they are most interested in before their slots fill up. 

Fall Virtual Fair Dates and Times

Virtual Accounting Job & Internship Fair: September 23 | 11 am to 1 pm

Virtual Healthcare, Research & Human Services Job and Internship Fair: September 25 | 12 pm to 3 pm

Virtual IT/Computer Science Job & Internship Fair: October 1 | 12 pm to 4 pm 

Virtual Engineering Job & Internship Fair: October 2 | 12 pm to 3 pm

Virtual Business Job & Internship Fair: October 8 | 12 pm to 3 pm

Job and Internship Fair Preparation Events 

Prepare for a Virtual Job/Internship Fair: Accounting & Business: September 16 | 1:15 to 2:15 pm

Prepare for a Virtual Job/Internship Fair: Healthcare, Research & Human Services: September 16 | 2 pm to 3 pm

Prepare for a Virtual Job/Internship Fair: IT/Engineering: September 23 | 1 pm to 2 pm

Follow Us

For additional updates and information about participating in the fairs, please follow the Career Center on Facebook and Instagram.