MAT 512 Spring 2022 Course Information

512 Course Policy

Homework Assignments:

Homework 1: Exercises 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5

Homework 2

Homework 3

Homework 4

Homework 5

Homework 6

Homework 7

Homework 8

Homework 9

Homework 10

Homework 11

Announcements are posted below the course schedule. Most recent announcements at the top.

Tentative Schedule
Mon 1/241. Introduction Week 1: Read pages 1-20
Wed 1/26 2. Division Theorem
Mon 1/313. Greatest Common Divisor, Euclidean algorithm Week2: Read pages 21-40.
Homework 1 Due Today.
Wed 2/2 4. Bezout's Theorem and Applications
Mon 2/75. Equivalence Relations, Congruences Week 3: Read through page 60. Homework 2 Due Today.
Wed 2/96. Solving Congruences
Mon 2/147. Unique Factorization Week 4: Read through page 80. Homework 3 Due Today
Wed 2/168. Rings: Definition and Examples
Mon 2/219. Rings: Units Week 5: Read through page 100.
We will skip the section on "fruit rings."
Homework 4 Due Today
Wed 2/2310. Rings: Irreducible elements, Solutions to x^2 + y^2 = p
Mon 2/2811. EXAM 1 EXAM 1: Covers in-class material and reading through chapter 5. Week 6: Exam 1 TODAY
Wed 3/212. Congruence Rings, Units, Integral domain
Mon 3/713. Roots of 1, Euler's Theorem and Fermat's Theorem Week 7: Homework 5 Due Today
Wed 3/914. More on Euler phi-function
Mon 3/14 Spring Break, No Class
Wed 3/16 Spring Break, No Class
Mon 3/2115. Polynomial rings, Factoring polynomials Week 8
Wed 3/2316. Minimal polynomial, Field extensions
Mon 3/2817. Quadratics; Cubics Week 9: HW 6 Due Today
Wed 3/3018. Cubics; Quartics
Mon 4/419. More on cubics. Week 10: HW 7 Due Today
Wed 4/620. EXAM 2: Covers in-class material and reading through chapter 9. Exam 2 Tentatively Scheduled for Today
Mon 4/1121. Gauss's Lemma Week 11: HW 8 Due Today (or Wednesday if you like)
Wed 4/1322. Polynomials over finite fields
Mon 4/1823. Unique factorization for polynomials Week 12: HW 9 Due Today
Wed 4/2024. Quadratics over finite fields
Mon 4/2525. Week 13 HW 10 Due Today
Wed 4/2726.
Mon 5/227. Week 14 HW 11 Due Today
Wed 5/428.
Tue 5/17 FINAL EXAM Final Exam


March 20: Webpage updated today!

February 13: Webpage updated today.

January 24: Welcome to class.