Lie Groups Beyond an Introduction, Digital Second Edition

Published by the author, 2023.
Digital version in PDF only, freely distributed, not to be sold.
Distributed by Project Euclid free of charge with ISBN 979-8-9895-0420-6.
820+xxviii pages.

Chapter Titles: 

Introduction: Closed Linear Groups
Lie Algebras and Lie Groups
Complex Semisimple Lie Algebras
Universal Enveloping Algebra
Compact Lie Groups
Finite-dimensional Representations
Structure Theory of Semisimple Groups
Advanced Structure Theory
Induced Representations and Branching Theorems
Prehomogeneous Vector Spaces
Appendix A: Tensors, Filtrations, and Gradings
Appendix B: Lie's Third Theorem
Appendix C: Data for Simple Lie Algebras

Files Available:

The following files are available at the download page:


Pages 813–820 include a list of corrections to the printed edition of Lie Groups Beyond an Introduction, Second Edition, as of June 30, 2023.  No further corrections have been reported for the digital second edition.

Last modified: 6/21//2024