Advanced Algebra, Digital Second Edition
Published by the author, 2016.
Digital version in PDF only, freely distributed, not to be sold.
Distributed by Project Euclid free of charge with ISBN
730+xxviii pages.
A companion volume Basic Algebra, Digital Second Edition,
was published in 2016.
It has no ISBN.
Chapter Titles:
Transition to Modern Number Theory
Wedderburn-Artin Ring Theory
Brauer Group
Homological Algebra
Three Theorems in Algebraic Number Theory
Reinterpretation with Adeles and Ideles
Infinite Field Extensions
Background for Algebraic Geometry
The Number Theory of Algebraic Curves
Methods of Algebraic Geometry
Files Available:
The following files are available at the
download page:
- Front cover and whole inside together,
- Clickable version of front cover and inside together.
Differences between the digital
second edition (2016) and the second printing of the first edition
- The front cover has been redone.
- Pages i through iv of the front matter are completely changed
to reflect the changed nature of the volume.
- The term "revised edition" in the 2015 version has been
changed to "second edition" in the 2016 edition.
- A preface to the second edition has been included, replacing
the final paragraph of the preface in the 2015 version.
The name of the preface in the 2015 version has been changed to
"Preface to the First Edition" in the 2016 edition.
- The length of the front matter has been increased by 2
pages. In particular, the page numbers of the section
"Notation and Terminology" in the front matter have changed from
the 2015 version and appropriate changes have been made to the
index and to other spots in the text that refer to these pages.
- The order of the pages in the front matter has been changed,
with the table of contents adjusted appropriately.
- The font has been changed for the next-to-last page before
page 1.
- A systematic error in the left-hand running heads for Chapter
II has been corrected.
- Mathematical misprints on lines 8 and 9 of page 213 have been
fixed in the 2016 edition.
- A small number of other typographical errors, about two, have
been fixed.
Corrections to the digital second edition:
A list of corrections appears in the file below.
Corrections (12/12/2022) - PDF . Most of
the corrections were kindly pointed out by Arjun Sudan.
Last modified: 9/1/2023