The ABC of DNA Computing


For web information about DNA consult the Human Genome Project page at Oak Ridge. For information about NP-complete problems try Forbes Lewis' page at the University of Kentucky. A useful print reference is DNA Computing by Paun, Rozenberg and Salomaa (Springer, 1998).

1. What is DNA?

DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is the molecular basis of genetics. For our purposes, the following features are important.

         p   p   p   p          
... 3'\ / \ / \ / \ / \ /5' ...
       s   s   s   s   s        
       |   |   |   |   |         
       |   |   |   |   |         
       |   |   |   |   |             
       s   s   s   s   s             
... 5'/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \3' ...   
         p   p   p   p          
In what follows, this schematic representation of a segment of a DNA molecule will be abbreviated to:

Complementarity, the fundamental key to DNA replication, is also the basic mathematical ingredient in DNA computing. --Tony Phillips
SUNY at Stony Brook

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