
I did my undergraduate studies at the Hebrew University, in Jerusalem, Israel. In May 2005 I received my Ph.D. in mathematics from Yale University. It was done under the supervision of Peter Jones. From Fall 2005 to Spring 2009 I was an NSF Postdoc/Hedrick Assistant Professor at the UCLA mathematics department. In fall 2009 I started as an Assistant Professor at the Stony Brook mathematics department. I am supported by the NSF. In the past I was also supported by a fellowship from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. (See Funding).

Papers and Preprints

(Authors are always in alphabetical order.)


  • NSF DMS 2154613 (2022 - 2025)
  • NSF DMS 1763973 (2018 - 2022)
  • NSF DMS 1361473 (2014 - 2018)
  • NSF DMS 1100008 (2011 - 2014)
  • Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (2010)
  • NSF DMS 0800837 and 0965766 (2008 - 2011). Note: 0800837 turned into 0965766 when I moved to Stony Brook.
  • NSF DMS MSPRF 0502747 (aka nsf postdoc) (2005 - 2009)
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Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed here or in these papers are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation