MAT 205

Spring '00

Syllabus: pdf file, ps file, dvi file, tex file.

Midterm I: pdf file, ps file, dvi file, tex file.

Midterm II: pdf file, ps file, dvi file, tex file.

Review sheet: pdf file, ps file, dvi file, tex file.

FINAL: pdf file, ps file, dvi file, tex file.

Solutions to the sample test will be posted on my office door on Monday May 8. Sample test: do the following 13 exercises: page 683, n. 23; 722 n. 3; 732 n.11; 739 n.21; 787 n.11; 796 n.19; 809 n.5; 862 n.17; Section 13.4 n.7; 13.5 n. 15; 13.7 n.3; 13.8 n.8; page 988 n.3

Special help session: Tuesday May 2, 5:30--7:00, Math Tower P-131 (Mark)

Last Office hours: Tuesday May 9, 1:00--2:00.

Reviews for final: Thursday May 4, 6:00--7:30, Math Tower P-131 (Jason); Tuesday May 9, 5--6:30, Math Tower P-131 (Mark).

FINAL: Thursday May 11, 12:00--3:00 pm, OLD CHEM 144

The cut-offs for the final test are. A>190 ; A->175 ; B+>166 ; B>158 ; B->152 ; C+>146 ; C>126 ; C->100 ; D>91 ; F<90


Grading policy. Midterm I: 100 pts Midterm II: 100 pts Final: 200 pts Homework: 50 points (average of total homework scores divided by two). Quizzes: 50 points (average of total quizzes scores multiplied by five). Total maximum: 500 pts.

The extra credit pts are NOT to be added to the above amounts. These points have been used to increase the grade in BORDERLINE cases ONLY.

The cut-offs for the final grade are A>455 ; A->435 ; B+>405 ; B>380 ; B->360 ; C+>325 ; C>305 ; C->280; D>220; F<219

Your numerical total above will correspond to a letter grade as above. However, your final letter grade may be more than the one given by the numerical one if either your grade in the final test was D or more, you were borderline and had some extra credit points or if your numerical grade in the final was compellingly high.