Stony Brook Mathematics Department

MAT 132 -- Calculus II -- Spring 1998

Course Coordinator: Anthony Phillips, Math Tower 5-116, phone: 632-8290
OFFICE HOURS: Wed and Thurs 10 AM--Noon.

Text: Calculus..., by Ostebee and Zorn.

Calculators: Students are required to have a graphing calculator. We recommend the Sharp EL-9300 or the Texas Instruments TI-82. Both are available at the Campus Bookstore and at Basix (prices at Basix tend to be lower!). Stony Brook has been using the Sharp which is cheaper and easier but this calculator is being discontinued by the manufacturer and there may not be enough of them available. The programs we will use this term will be available for these calculators and others in the Math Undergraduate Office (Math Tower P-144).

ABOUT THIS COURSE. In this course functions are presented and analyzed giving tables and graphs as much weight as formulas. This course is aimed at developing your understanding of the concepts of Calculus and your ability to apply them to problems in and outside of Mathematics. At the same time you need to continue to develop your proficiency at manipulating formulas and equations. These are the language of science, and fluency in this language is essential for a successful career in science or engineering. In this course you will be expected to use calculators and computers to increase your knowledge of the behavior of functions and of the operations of Calculus. If you are new to our Calculus program this approach may seem unfamiliar at first, but you will be in a good position to understand why we think this new curriculum is better.

THIS COURSE TAKES WORK. We encourage you to form teams of three or four students and to work together. We will try to do as many group exercises as possible, in class and in recitation, to get you used to this type of work. Several people thinking together about a problem can often see around a difficulty where one person might get stuck. This is one reason why the ability to work well in a team is rated very highly by prospective employers.

HOMEWORK. For each section the homework exercises include all those selected as ``key'' by the authors, with some local additions. From ten to twenty are emphasized in boldface. These should be written up to be handed in at the first recitation meeting of the following week. Exercises that ask you to ``describe'' or ``explain'' should be answered with complete English sentences, clear enough for one of your classmates to read and understand.

PREREQUISITE. Students are STRONGLY ADVISED not to attempt this course unless they received a grade of ``C''or better in MAT 131 or an equivalent course.

EXAMINATIONS. There will be two 90-minute midterm tests: Tuesday March 3 and Monday April 6, at 8:30 PM. Students who need extra time will be allowed to work until 10:30. There will be a 3-hour final examination on Wednesday, May 13, 7-10PM . In addition several short quizzes will be given in recitation.

MATH LEARNING CENTER / CALCULUS RESOURCE ROOM. (Physics A-125) This is a place where students can go for help with Calculus. It is staffed most days and some evenings; the current schedule is: Mon-Tues-Wed 10-9; Thur 10-6; Fri 10-1; Sun 7-9.

GRADES will be based on performance as follows:

Recitation grade (quizzes, homework, participation)    20%  
Midterms                                               40% 
Final Examination                                      40% 

          Students with Disabilities!
    If you have a physical, psychological, medical or
    learning disabiliity that may impact on your 
    ability to carry out assigned course work, I would 
    urge that you contact the staff in the Disabled 
    Student Services office (DSS), room 133 Humanites, 
    632-6748/TDD.  DSS will review your concerns and 
    determine, with you, what accommodations are 
    necessary and appropriate.  All information and 
    documentation of disability is confidential.

Anthony Phillips
Math Dept SUNY Stony Brook
January 19, 1998