MAT 544. Real analysis I.
Instructor: Raanan Schul
Office: Math 4-117.
Office hours: see here
Grader: Dyi-Shing Ou
Office hours:Mon. 8-9pm, Tues. 4-5pm@Math tower 3118, as well as Mon. 6pm-7pm@MLC
Class: Monday, Wednesday 11:30-12:50 in Physics P129
Book: Gerald B. Folland, Real analysis: modern techniques and their applications, 2nd ed.
Homework will be assigned HERE. It will be assigned from the book above.
- Recomended
reading is HERE. It will be assigned from the book above.
Material: will be more or less up to (and including) chapter 3 in Folland, plus part of chapter 6 and a few extra things not in the book. More infor can be found HERE.
Grades: 20% HW; 30% midterm; 50% Final.
- MIDTERM: In class, Wednesday, October 21 PDF.
- FINAL: Wednesday, Dec 9, 11:15am-1:45pm. Material: chapters 1-3 and parts of chapter 6 PDF