History of Mathematics

MAT 336 -Spring 2023

Paper rubric - Checklist

Bibliography and citations The bibliography contained a relevant book, an appropriate primary source and an appropriate secondary sources. All these sources are used in the paper. There a secondary source different from the one you were assigned. 6
Bibliography and citations All references are from peer reviewed journals, primary sources or relevant books. 5
Bibliography and citations All information that is not common knowledge is appropriately cited (see here https://libguides.mit.edu/citing for more about citing. ) 5
Bibliography and citations All diagrams, figures and tables are referenced in the body of the paper. 2
Math Content The information given reflects deep understanding and effective summarization. The paper is addressed to an audience who are not necessarily mathematicians, rather somebody who know some mathematics (say, sophomore Math major, at Stony Brook who know what a proof is.) 2
Math Content Your paper has mathematical content and this mathematical content is understandable, correct and relevant. The math point is clear and well explained. There is at least one relevant example related to the math point. All steps in the math point are fully justified. 6
Historical content Your paper contains a relevant historical frame of the ideas you are explaining. Timelines are recommended. 4
Content Your paper has a good introduction, briefly explaining the the content section by section, and why the topic is interesting or relevant. 3
Content Your paper displays creativity, originality, and a personal point of view. 3
Content Your writing is clear, with no grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Ideas are arranged logically and flow smoothly. 4
Format The word count of the body of your paper is between 2500 and 3500 words. (Note: the body of the paper does not include the bibliography, outline and abstract). 2
Format The first page (s) of the paper contains the title of the paper, your name, the outline, math point, the abstract, book, primary source, secondary source and word count (counted excluding the bibliography, outline and abstract). Your paper is in PDF form and is written in an easily readable font (like Times New Roman or Cambria), size 12 pts. The paragraphs are double spaced and have their first line indented. 3
Format Your paper contains at least three figures, diagrams or tables, which are credited and clearly captioned. You are encouraged to create your own illustrations. 3
Format Your paper is divided into sections (possibly the ones you listed in the outline) 1
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