MAT 544: Commutative and Homological Algebra

TuTh    1:15pm- 2:35pm         Physics P122


Homework assignments

Homework 1 (due Sep. 10): Atiyah-Macdonald, Ch.2, #2, #8, #14, #16, #17; Ch.3, #6, #9

Homework 2 (due Sep. 22): Atiyah-Macdonald, Ch.6, #1i, #2, #9; Ch.7, #1, #4, #8, #11

Homework 3 (due Oct. 1): see this PDF file

Homework 4 (due Oct. 13): see this PDF file

Homework 5 (due Oct. 29): see this PDF file

Homework 6 (due Nov. 12): see this PDF file

Homework 7 (due Dec. 1): Atiyah-Macdonald, Ch.10, #3, #4, #9


Here is a list of topics and recommended reading; [AM] is Atiyah-Macdonald; [Eis] is Eisenbud; [Ma] is Matsumura; [We] is Weibel.






Aug 23

Review of rings, ideals, modules

[AM] Ch.1-2

Aug 25 Aug 30

Tensor product, localization

[AM] Ch.2-3

Sep 1

Exact sequences, flatness of localization

[AM] Ch.3

Sep 6

Spectrum of a ring

[AM] Ch.1 exercises

Sep 8

Noetherian rings

[AM], p.74-76, 80-81

Sep 13

Associated primes, definition, and examples

[Eis] p.87-92

Sep 15

Associated primes, main theorem

[Eis] p.90-94

Sep 20

Primary decomposition

[AM], p.50-51, 82-84

Sep 22


[AM], p.81-82, 85

Sep 27

Non-noetherian examples, artinian rings

[AM], Ch.8

Sep 29

Artinian rings

[AM], Ch.8

Oct 4

Local rings, integral dependence

[AM], p.21-22, 59

Oct 6

Integral dependence

[AM], p.59-62

Oct 11 break

Integral dependence, integral closure

[AM], p.61-63

Oct 13

Dedekind domains, DVRs

[AM], p.93-95

Oct 18

Fractional ideals, unique factorization

[AM], p.96-98

Oct 20

Categories and functors

[We], p.417-424, 429-431

Oct 25

Adjoint functors, injective and projective modules

[We], p.33-35, 38-39

Oct 27

Injective modules, chain complexes, Tor

[We], p.38-39, 1-4, 15-18

Nov 1

Tor, long exact sequence in homology

[We], p.10-14, 36, 53

Nov 3

Symmetry of Tor, checking for flatness


Nov 8

Topologies and completions

[AM], p.100-105

Nov 10

Graded rings and modules, Artin-Rees lemma

[AM], p.105-108

Nov 15

Group project


Nov 17

Group project


Nov 22

Group project


Nov 24 Break




Group project


Dec 1



About the course

Summary. An introduction to the techniques of commutative and homological algebra useful in algebra, algebraic geometry, number theory, and related fields. Review of rings and modules, tensor products and localization. Spectrum of prime ideals, Noetherian and Artinian rings and modules, completion, dimension theory, local rings, discrete valuation rings and Dedekind domains, integral dependence. Chain complexes, projective and injective resolutions, examples of derived functors (Ext and Tor), basic category theory (adjoint functors, natural transformations, limits and colimits), abelian categories. Here is a more detailed syllabus (including suggested reading).


Grading. Grades will be based on weekly homework assignments, class participation, and on your contribution to a group project at the end of the semester. There is no final exam.


Homework. Most homework assignments will come from the book Introduction to Commutative Algebra by Atiyah and Macdonald. Here is a link to a scanned copy.


Time and location

We meet on Tuesday and Thursday    1:15pm- 2:35pm         Physics P122.  My office is Math Tower 4–109; office hours will be held via Zoom on Fridays from 2:00pm to 4:00pm.


Policy Statements

Student Accessibility Support Services. If you have a physical, psychological, medical, or learning disability that may impact your course work, please contact Student Accessibility Support Center, ECC (Educational Communications Center) Building, Room 128, (631)632-6748. They will determine with you what accommodations, if any, are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential. Please see this website for more information.


Academic Integrity Statement. Each student must pursue his or her academic goals honestly and be personally accountable for all submitted work. Representing another person's work as your own is always wrong. Faculty is required to report any suspected instances of academic dishonesty to the Academic Judiciary. Faculty in the Health Sciences Center (School of Health Technology & Management, Nursing, Social Welfare, Dental Medicine) and School of Medicine are required to follow their school-specific procedures. For more comprehensive information on academic integrity, including categories of academic dishonesty please refer to the academic judiciary website.


Critical Incident Management Statement. Stony Brook University expects students to respect the rights, privileges, and property of other people. Faculty are required to report to the Office of University Community Standards any disruptive behavior that interrupts their ability to teach, compromises the safety of the learning environment, or inhibits students' ability to learn. Faculty in the HSC Schools and the School of Medicine are required to follow their school-specific procedures. Further information about most academic matters can be found in the Undergraduate Bulletin, the Undergraduate Class Schedule, and the Faculty-Employee Handbook.