Course Description.  I want to try something a bit different from what is usual. In short, the course will take the form of an ``algebraic geometry research articles seminar". Each student will be assigned research articles to present in class.The articles will be carefully chosen as to not require, with the help of my guidance, previous exposure to algebraic geometry. Students and I will regularly discuss their progress in reading the papers and in preparing their in-class presentations. Such presentations should be organized and delivered so that all the other students can understand them. When needed, I will lecture before and/or after each presentation in order to set the stage and/or to place the results into context.The main principle behind this course is to allow a student curious about research-level algebraic geometry to catch a glimpse of the world of research in algebraic geometry, without having to first ``read Hartshorne and Griffiths-Harris". Pre-reqs: students must have passed the comps by the beginning of the Fall Semester. If you are curious about this course, but are unsure if it is a good fit for you, just talk to me between now and the end of the summer. We can chat in person or via skype and identify suitable papers etc. If you are an incoming new graduate student, then you should discuss this with the director of graduate studies immediately after you pass the comps and when you are about to choose your courses. I am happy to discuss with you at anytime the basic structure of the course. Each team of presenters will prepare a one-page summary in English (no math lingo) of the paper they present.

MEETING PLACE AND TIME. TuTh 2:20pm-3:40am, MAT 4-130.

Exams: There will be no exams.

Office Hours: By appointment (made in person in class; please use email for emergencies only) and on Tu&Th 4:5:30pm.

If you have a physical, psychological, medical, or learning disability that may impact on your ability to carry out assigned course work, you are strongly urged to contact the staff in the Disabled Student Services (DSS) office: Room 133 in the Humanities Building; 632-6748v/TDD. The DSS office will review your concerns and determine, with you, what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation of disability is confidential. Arrangements should be made early in the semester (before the first exam) so that your needs can be accommodated.

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