Department of Mathematics
Stony Brook University, The State University of New York 
SUNY at Stony Brook
Mark Andrea de Cataldo

Department of Mathematics

Algebraic Geometry at Stony Brook

Office:  Math 5-108
Phone:  (631) 632-8284
Fax:  (631) 632-7631

e-mail:  markdotdecataldoatyouknowwheredotedu


Some events

  • I will lecture in the the Workshop : New advances on the Dolbeault moduli spaces, at the Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France.
  • I will teach a mini-course in the Masterclass (Summer school): Hodge Theory and Cohomological Jump Loci, at the Department of Mathematics of Stockholm University, Sweden.
  • I am co-organizer of the CRC Workshop: The P=W Conjecture in Non Abelian Hodge Theory, in the context of the 2024 Clay Research Conference and Workshops, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, UK. I will deliver one of the four invited plenary lectures at the conference.
  • I will lecture at the: MATRIX Conference in Melbourne, Dec 9 -13, 2024 and will participate in Algebraic Geometry Workshop, in Sydney, Dec 16-18, 2024.
  • I am co-organizer of the Workshop: Geometric aspects of Hodge theory, in the context of the 2025 Summer Research Institute SRI (July 8-August 1, 2025) Click here for participant information to the 2025 SRI (Workshop organizers are not involved in creating the list of participants.)

  • Teaching

  • Fall 2024: MAT 534 (Graduate Algebra I). Syllabus

  • Research