Calculus: Concepts and Contexts. Single Variable,
Second Edition,
by James Stewart, Brooks/Cole Publishing, 2001.
Check the syllabus to determine which sections will be covered each
week, and come to class having read those sections. Reading the
textbook will greatly
increase your comprehension of the lectures and enable you to ask
useful questions
in class. Furthermore, the lecturers and recitation instructors will
not always be
able to cover all of the subject material for which you will be
responsible. Not that mathematical texts are not meant to be read like
novels: very often you will come across passages that must be read
several times before they make sense to you.
Course Coordinator: Prof. Leon Takhtajan, Math
Phone: 632-8287 email: leontak@math.sunysb.edu
Office hours: Monday, 4:00-5:00 pm, Thursday, 2:00-3:00 pm in 5-111,
and by appointment
DSS advisory. If you have a physical,
medical, or learning disability that may affect your course work,
please contact Disability Support
Services (DSS) office: ECC (Educational Communications Center)
Building, room 128, telephone (631) 632-6748/TDD.
DSS will determine with you what accommodations are necessary and
appropriate. Arrangements should be made early in the semester (before
the first exam) so that your needs can be accommodated. All information
and documentation of disability
is confidential.
Students requiring emergency evacuation are encouraged to discuss their
needs with
their professors and DSS. For procedures and information, go to the
following web site http://www.ehs.sunysb.edu
and search Fire safety and
Evacuation and Disabilities.