Jack with Kristin Halvorsen, Minister of Education, and Sigbjørn Hals, winner of the Holmboe Prize for High School teaching.
(Stian Lysberg Solum/Scanpix/The Abel Prize/The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters)
Equerry leading Dusa, Jack, King Harald, and Minister Aasland to dinner at the castle.
(Kyrre Lien/Scanpix/The Abel Prize/The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters)
Abel Lecturers at Oslo University:
Curtis McMullen, Etienne Ghys, John Milnor, and Michael Hopkins
(Eirik Furu Baardsen/The Abel Prize/The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters)
On to a children's mathematics festival in Bergen. Here
Queen Sonja meets the children. (Åse Johanne Roti Dahl, På
Høyden/The Abel Prize/The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters)