Lecture Videos for Igor Frenkel's 60th Birthday Conference
Perspectives in Representation Theory
A conference celebrating the 60th birthday of Igor Frenkel
May 12-17, 2012, Yale University, New Haven, USA
conference website: http://www.math.sunysb.edu/~frenkel60/
The links lead to the videos uploaded to Youtube (unlisted), played by default at HD 720p quality.
There, by clicking the gear icon in the bottom right, you can change the video quality (highest is HD 1080p).
By clicking the fullscreen icon in the bottom right, you can play the videos with fullscreen.
All the talks were given at Linsly-Chittenden Hall, Yale Univ., New Haven, USA.
Abstracts are [here].
(the dates may be different from below, because some talks were rescheduled).
This page is last updated on Dec. 21st, 2012 (we have 26 lecture videos; N/A means we do not have the file).
Any questions should be directed to hyunkyu dot kim at yale dot edu
Videography by David Louis Zuckerman.
Saturday, May 12, 2012 | ||
speaker (affiliation) | talk title | links |
Nikolai Reshetikhin (UC Berkeley) |
On Hamiltonian formalism for Batalin-Vilkovisky extensions of gauge theories | video |
Gregg Zuckerman (Yale Univ.) |
An equivalence between two categories of generalized Harish-Chandra modules | video |
Peter Goddard (IAS, Princeton) |
Current Algebra on the Torus | video |
Anthony Licata (IAS and Austrailian National Univ.) |
The basic representation and its categorification | video |
Giovanni Felder (ETH Zurich) |
The classical master equation | video |
Sunday, May 13, 2012 | ||
speaker (affiliation) | talk title | links |
James Lepowsky (Rutgers Univ.) |
Logarithmic tensor category theory for vertex-algebraic structures | video |
Miranda Cheng (IMJ & MPTHE, Paris) |
Umbral Moonshine | video |
Fedor Malikov (USC) |
Localization via vertex algebras | video |
George Lusztig (MIT) |
A bar operator for involutions in a Coxeter group | N/A |
Monday, May 14, 2012 | ||
speaker (affiliation) | talk title | links |
Catharina Stroppel (University of Bonn) |
Generalized Khovanov algebras and categorification | video |
Mikhail Khovanov (Columbia Univ.) |
Adventures in categorification | video |
Joel Kamnitzer (University of Toronto) |
Affine MV polytopes and preprojective algebras | video |
Vera Serganova (UC Berkeley) |
Tensor representations of $gl(\infty)$ | video |
Hiraku Nakajima (RIMS, Kyoto) |
Coproduct on Yangian | video |
Tuesday, May 15, 2012 | ||
speaker (affiliation) | talk title | links |
Dennis Gaitsgory (Harvard Univ.) |
Higher conformal blocks for WZW | video |
Edward Frenkel (UC Berkeley) |
The Langlands Program and Geometrization of Trace Formulas | video |
Toshi Kobayashi (University of Tokyo) |
Geometric Analysis on Minimal Representations | video |
Andrei Okounkov (Columbia Univ.) |
Quantum Cohomology of Nakajima varieties | video |
Richard Borcherds (UC Berkeley) |
What is a renormalization? | video |
Wednesday, May 16, 2012 | ||
speaker (affiliation) | talk title | links |
Alexander Braverman (Brown Univ.) |
Affine Tamagawa number formula and Macdonald constant term conjecture | video |
Howard Garland (Yale Univ.) |
Automorphic forms on loop groups | N/A |
Yongchang Zhu (HKUST, Hong Kong) |
Theta function functional for arithmetic surfaces | video |
Joseph Bernstein (Tel Aviv Univ.) |
Calculus of pseudo-differential operators without Fourier transform | video |
David Kazhdan (Hebrew Univ., Jerusalem) |
On the second adjointness | video |
Thursday, May 17, 2012 | ||
speaker (affiliation) | talk title | links |
Nikita Nekrasov (IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette) |
The iWeyl groups | video |
Tetsuji Miwa (Kyoto Univ.) |
Plane partitions and Representations of Quantum Toroidal Algebra | video |
Pavel Etingof (MIT) |
Symplectic reflection algebras and affine Lie algebras | video |
Igor Frenkel (Yale Univ.) |
Concluding remarks | video |