Links to Accepted Articles at Journal Websites

Just click on the link for the article.

D. Geller and A. Mayeli, Continuous wavelets and frames on stratified Lie groups I, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 12 (2006), 545-579.

D. Geller, F.K. Hansen, D. Marinucci, G. Kerkyacharian and D. Picard, Spin needlets for cosmic microwave background polarization data analysis, Physical Review D (2008), D78:123533

D. Geller and A. Mayeli, Continuous wavelets on compact manifolds, Math. Z. 262 (2009), 895-927.

D. Geller and A. Mayeli, Nearly tight frames and space-frequency analysis on compact manifolds, Math. Z. 263 (2009), 235-264.

D. Geller and A. Mayeli, Besov spaces and frames on compact manifolds, Indiana University Math Journal 58 (2009), 2003-2042.

D. Geller, X. Lan and D. Marinucci, Spin needlets spectral estimation,, Electronic Journal of Statistics 3 (2009), 1497-1530.

Accepted, but not on the Journal Website yet

Some of these articles will be modified for publication from the ones in the links.

D. Geller and I. Pesenson, Band-limited localized Parseval frames and Besov spaces on compact homogeneous manifolds, to appear in J. Geom Anal.

D. Geller and A. Mayeli, Nearly tight frames of spin wavelets on the sphere, to appear in Sampling Theory in Signal and Image Processing.

D. Geller and D. Marinucci, Spin Wavelets on the Sphere, to appear in J. Four. Anal. Appl.