SUNY at Stony Brook MAT 514: Analysis for Teachers II
Summer II 2023

Welcome to MAT 514: Analysis for Teachers II

Description: Topics in calculus, its foundations, and its applications. Emphasis is on integration and on numerical techniques. This course is designed for teachers and prospective teachers of advanced placement calculus. Mathematical topics include the contents of an introductory course to functions in one complex variables. Analysis for Teachers I is not a prerequisite for this course.

For more information, please select General information link in the menu to the left.

To see the intended reading schedule and the syllabus, please select Syllabus and Schedule in the menu to the left.


I will send the announcements via email.
Announcements are listed in reverse choronological order: most recent announcement at the top.

Suggested reading uploaded.
Web page created; which is already quite an achievement!