Connections in Modern Mathematics and Physics
Stony Brook, April 2-5, 1998
- THURSDAY, April 2
(Room S-240, Math Building)
9:15 AM | Opening Ceremonies |
9:30 AM | Jeff Cheeger and Blaine Lawson
| "The mathematical work of
James Simons |
| and its impact on the field"
11:30 AM | C.-N. Yang, Stony Brook |
| "Vector potentials and connections"
1:30 PM | Jeff Cheeger, Courant |
| "Ricci curvature" |
| |
3:00 PM | Blaine Lawson, Stony Brook |
| "Connections and singularities
of maps" |
4:30 PM | Gang Tian, MIT |
| "Yang-Mills connections
and calibration" |
- FRIDAY, April 3 (Room S-240, Math Building)
9:15 AM | Robert Bryant for S.-S. Chern
| "Recent results and open problems
in Finsler geometry" |
10:30 AM | Dennis Sullivan, Stony Brook &
| "A combinatorial model
for non-linearity" |
1:00 PM | I.M. Singer, MIT |
| TBA |
2:15 PM | S.-T. Yau, Harvard |
| "Mirror symmetry and
rational curves" |
3:30 PM | Scott Axelrod, MIT |
"Generalized Chern-Simons invariants as a
generalized Lagrangian field theory"
4:45 PM | Mikhael Gromov,
Courant & IHES |
"Dynamics on function spaces"
6:00 PM | Cocktails and Dinner at 7:00 |
| Student Union Ballroom |
- SATURDAY, April 4 (Room 137, Harriman Hall)
9:30 AM | Jean-Michel Bismut, Orsay |
| "Chern-Simons classes, Bott Chern
classes and analytic torsion" |
11:00 AM | Spencer Bloch, Chicago |
| "Algebro-geometric Chern-Simons
classes" |
1:30 PM | Maxim Kontsevich, I.H.E.S. |
| "On regulators, critical values and q-factorials" |
3:00 PM | Robert Bryant, Duke |
| "Recent progress on the holonomy classification problem"
4:30 PM | Jürg Fröhlich, E.T.H.
"Physics and the Chern-Simons form
(from anomalies to the quantum Hall effect to magnetic stars)"
8:30 PM | PARTY
at James Simons house
(maps will be provided).
- SUNDAY, April 5 (Room 137, Harriman Hall)
9:00 AM | Clifford Taubes, Harvard |
| "Seiberg-Witten invariants,
harmonic forms, and their
pseudo-holomorphic curves" |
10:30AM | John Milnor, Stony Brook |
| "Remarks on geometry and
dynamics" |
12:00 PM | Robert MacPherson, I.A.S. |
| "Spaces with torus actions" |