Low-Dimensional Topology and Categorification

June 21-25, 2010. Stony Brook University, New York

A conference focussing on the recent homology theories which have revolutionized the study of low-dimensional topology.

Confirmed speakers include:

Anna Beliakova
Sabin Cautis
Eli Grigsby
Matthew Hedden
Stanislav Jabuka
Joel Kamnitzer
Louis Kauffman
Mikhail Khovanov
Aaron Lauda
Robert Lipshitz
Charles Livingston
Scott Morrison
Tomasz Mrowka
Yi Ni
Lenhard Ng
Peter Ozsváth
Jacob Rasmussen
Lev Rozansky
Dylan Thurston
Liam Watson

Please help to publicize the conference by displaying the conference poster.


For the timing of talks, breaks, meals, and shuttle buses etc. please refer to the conference schedule.

Directions to Stony Brook

Directions for getting to the Stony Brook campus can be found on the University web page. A useful campus map can be found here.
Here is some more detailed travel information.

Financial support for this conference has been provided by the Simons Foundation.
Scientific Committee: Mikhail Khovanov, Dennis Sullivan, Oleg Viro
Organizers: Alexander Kirillov Jr., Andrew Lobb, Olga Plamenevskaya, Oleg Viro
To contact the organizers please email categorification at math.sunysb.edu.