in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics

A conference to celebrate Dennis Sullivan's 60th birthday

Department of Mathematics and Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Stony Brook, New York

June 14-21, 2001


Friday June 15

09:10 - 10:10. Peter van Nieuwenhuizen (SUNY at Stony Brook)
Minicourse: An Introduction to Supersymmetry, Supergravity,
and Superspace for Mathematicians
, Lecture I

10:30 - 11:30. John Hubbard (Cornell University)
Minicourse: Bifurcation Patterns in Dynamical Systems, Lecture I

01:30 - 02:30. Boris Tsygan (Penn State University)
Non-commutative Differential Calculus and Applications

02:45 - 03:45. Robin Forman (Rice University)
The Differential Topology of Combinatorial Spaces

04:15 - 05:15. Alexander Voronov (Michigan State University)
Minicourse: Universal Algebra, Lecture I
Note: Only the first 38 minutes of the lecture.

07:30 - 09:30. Evening session:

Saturday June 16

09:00 - 10:00. Peter van Nieuwenhuizen (SUNY at Stony Brook)
Minicourse: An Introduction to Supersymmetry, Supergravity,
and Superspace for Mathematicians
, Lecture II

10:30 - 11:30. John Hubbard (Cornell University)
Minicourse: Bifurcation Patterns in Dynamical Systems, Lecture II

01:30 - 02:30. Curtis McMullen (Harvard University)
Dynamics on K3 Surfaces
Note: No audio between 20th minute and 66th minute.

02:45 - 03:45. Kenji Fukaya (RIMS, Kyoto)
WKB Analysis, Multivalued Morse theory, and Collapsing Calabi-Yau Manifolds
Note: No audio between after the 6th minute.

04:15 - 05:15. Alexander Voronov (Michigan State University)
Minicourse: Universal Algebra, Lecture II
Note: No audio between the 5th and 78th minutes.

Sunday June 17

09:00 - 10:00. Peter van Nieuwenhuizen (SUNY at Stony Brook)
Minicourse: An Introduction to Supersymmetry, Supergravity,
and Superspace for Mathematicians
, Lecture III

Note: No audio between 8th minute and 21st minute.

10:30 - 11:30. John Hubbard (Cornell University)
Minicourse: Bifurcation Patterns in Dynamical Systems, Lecture III

01:30 - 02:30. Dennis Sullivan (SUNY at Stony Brook & CUNY)
Strings, Graphs, Riemann Surfaces

02:45 - 03:45. Misha Polyak (University of Tel Aviv)
Minicourse: Quantum Field Theory and Topology, Lecture I

04:15 - 05:15. André de Carvalho (SUNY at Stony Brook)
Graphs and Patterns in 2-dimensional Dynamics

07:30 - 09:30. Evening session:

Monday June 18

09:00 - 10:00. Peter van Nieuwenhuizen (SUNY at Stony Brook)
Minicourse: An Introduction to Supersymmetry, Supergravity,
and Superspace for Mathematicians
, Lecture IV

10:15 - 11:15. John Hubbard (Cornell University)
Minicourse: Bifurcation Patterns in Dynamical Systems, Lecture IV

11:30 - 12:30. John Baez (UC at Riverside)
Minicourse: Discrete Riemannian Geometry and Gauge Theory, Lecture I

Tuesday June 19

09:00 - 10:00. Misha Polyak (University of Tel Aviv)
Minicourse: Quantum Field Theory and Topology, Lecture II

10:30 - 11:30. John Baez (UC at Riverside)
Minicourse: Discrete Riemannian Geometry and Gauge Theory, Lecture II

01:30 - 02:30. Yair Minsky (SUNY at Stony Brook)
Curves, Surfaces, 3-manifolds and Hyperbolic Geometry

02:45 - 03:45. Dylan Thurston (Harvard University)
Trivalent Graphs in 3-dimensional Topology

04:15 - 05:15. Alexander Voronov (Michigan State University)
Minicourse: Universal Algebra, Lecture III

07:30 - 09:30. Evening session:

Wednesday June 20

09:00 - 10:00. Misha Polyak (University of Tel Aviv)
Minicourse: Quantum Field Theory and Topology, Lecture III

10:30 - 11:30. John Baez (UC at Riverside)
Minicourse: Discrete Riemannian Geometry and Gauge Theory, Lecture III

01:30 - 02:30. Nikolai Reshetikhin (UC at Berkeley)
Invariants of Links in S3 with a G-flat Connection in the Complement

02:45 - 03:45. Dirk Kreimer (Clay Mathematics Institute and IHES)
Structure in Feynman graphs-Hopf algebras and Symmetries

04:15 - 05:15. Alexander Voronov (Michigan State University)
Minicourse: Universal Algebra, Lecture IV

Thursday June 21

09:00 - 10:00. Misha Polyak (University of Tel Aviv)
Minicourse: Quantum Field Theory and Topology, Lecture IV

10:30 - 11:30. John Baez (UC at Riverside)
Minicourse: Discrete Riemannian Geometry and Gauge Theory, Lecture IV

01:30 - 02:30. Abhay Ashtekar (CGGP Penn State University)
Quantum Geometry in Action: Black Holes and Big Bang