Singular metrics and direct images

Department of Mathematics

at Stony Brook University

6th Stony Brook Mini-School in Geometry

Friday, April 21, 2017

Followed by AGNES conference, April 21-23

Topic of the mini-school

In the past few years, people working on the analytic side of algebraic geometry have obtained two important new results: the existence of canonical singular hermitian metrics on pushforwards of relative pluricanonical bundles (Berndtsson, Păun, Takayama, and others); and a version of the Ohsawa-Takegoshi extension theorem with sharp estimates (Błocki, Guan-Zhou). One nice application is the proof of Iitaka's conjecture – which relates the Kodaira dimension of an algebraic fiber space to that of the base and the fiber – over abelian varieties and over surfaces.

Aimed at graduate students and postdocs in geometry, the mini-school will present an introduction to this circle of ideas. No previous exposure to the topics will be presupposed.

Registration and poster

Please click here to register (deadline April 10). A copy of the poster can be downloaded here.


The first three lectures will take place at Math Tower, room S-240 (in the basement).

10.00-11.15 Introduction to singular Hermitian metricsDror Varolin
(Stony Brook)
11.15-11.45Coffee break
11.45-1.00Properties of direct images of pluricanonical sheaves Christian Schnell
(Stony Brook)
2.30-3.30Singular metrics and direct images Mihai Paun
(U Illinois, Chicago)
3.30-4.30Coffee break/AGNES welcome reception
4.30-6.00Singular Hermitian metrics and positivity of direct images of pluricanonical bundles
This is also the first talk of AGNES, and will take place in SCGP Auditorium
Mihai Paun
(U Illinois, Chicago)

How to get here

Directions to Stony Brook and the location of Mathematics department.
If you are driving, please park in a faculty/staff lot, and obtain a visitor permit from the registration desk inside Simons Center.
LIRR train schedule. We recommend the train departing Penn Station at 7.49 am, with a connection at Jamaica at 8.18am, arriving at Stony Brook at 9.43am.


Lunch and coffee will be provided and we will defray modest travel costs (trains or carpooling) for non-local participants.
To help us process reimbursement, please pool your expenses by asking one person in a group to buy round-trip tickets for everybody, and give us one receipt for reimbursement (with the names of the others), etc.
The lunch and coffee will be subsidized for local participants.
Organized by Samuel Grushevsky and Christian Schnell.

Stony Brook Algebraic Geometry portal

Supported by the NSF and Stony Brook Algebraic Geometry Fund