How to get here
Directions to Stony Brook and
the location
of Mathematics department.
If you are driving, please park in a faculty/staff lot, and obtain a visitor permit from the registration desk inside Simons Center.
LIRR train schedule. We recommend the train departing Penn Station at 7.49 am,
with a connection at Jamaica at 8.19am, arriving at Stony Brook at 9.43am.
Lunch and coffee will be provided. We have funds to defray modest travel costs (trains or carpooling).
To help us process reimbursement,
please pool your expenses by asking one person in a group to buy round-trip tickets for everybody, and give us one
receipt for reimbursement (with the names of the others), etc.
Organized by Samuel Grushevsky, Radu Laza, Robert Lazarsfeld, Song Sun.
Stony Brook Algebraic Geometry portal
Supported by the NSF and Stony Brook Algebraic Geometry Fund