2. In polar coordinates

If the circle is centered at the origin, it is, in some sense, most naturally expressed in polar coordinates, as [Maple Math] . If the center is not at the origin, things are a bit messier, but not too bad. Recall that polar coordinates represent a point in the plane in terms of its distance from the origin (usually represented as [Maple Math] ) and the angle [Maple Math] it makes with the positive [Maple Math] -axis (measured counterclockwise). Thus, from elementary trigonometry, we have [Maple Math] and [Maple Math] .

Making this change gives us the following:

> subs(x=r*cos(theta),y=r*sin(theta),circleEqn);

[Maple Math]

which isn't too bad... Since we usually try to represent a polar function as [Maple Math] , we can solve for [Maple Math] to obtain the following.

> polarcirc:=solve(%,r);

[Maple Math] [Maple Math]

This is really rather dreadful looking, but notice that if [Maple Math] and [Maple Math] are both zero, the first simplifies to [Maple Math] and the second becomes [Maple Math] . On closer examination, you can see that if the circle surrounds the origin, (that is [Maple Math] ), then the second always corresponds to negative values of the radius, and can be ignored for our purposes. Again, since we want to use [Maple Math] , we substitute into the first one.

> mypolarcirc:= subs(a=2,b=1,R=3,polarcirc[1]);

[Maple Math]

To plot it, we just tell maple that we are using polar coordinates. We need to allow theta to range over the whole circle, of course.

> plot(mypolarcirc,theta=0..2*Pi,coords=polar);

I should point out that maple can also do parametric polar plots, where both the radius and angle are functions of a parameter [Maple Math] , for example, we can make a "butterfly" with something like

> plot([cos(3*t),sin(4*t),t=0..2*Pi], coords=polar, axes=boxed,scaling=constrained);

This, of course, has nothing to do with plotting a circle, but is fun anyway.