
Single Variable Calculus (Stony Brook Edition 4), by James Stewart.
This is the same book as Stewart's Single Variable Calculus: Concepts and Contexts, 4th ed, but with a different cover.

The course also use WebAssign for homework problems and access to WebAssign is required. See Help document provided by Cengage (the Webassign people)

Note that Webassign access is free for the first two weeks and includes an electronic text. So you don't have to do anything right away

You can purchase the textbook and webassign together or separately; buying them together tends to be less expensive, but not always. You can do this through Webassign.

If you want to try and save money you can buy a used book . Buy webassign without an ebook, and buy a used physical book. You can also buy the 3rd edition: Stewart's Single Variable Calculus: Concepts, 3rd ed. These an be found for as little as $5-10. The section numbers and exercise numbers may be a bit different, but that is all. You will never be told to do an excersize from the book by number, so this should nt matter much.

Shop around. Prices vary. Some books with WebAssign, and some require you to buy it seperately!
When deciding what to get, keep in mind that you are likely to use this as a referance book in the future.
Other editions of the book may have similar text, however the exercises are sometimes a little different and are numbered differently.