#12 - Nov 9 Mathematics in the Islamic Word.
Algebra: al-Khwarizmi
Geometry: parallel postulate, trigonometry.
Solution of cubic equations: Omar Khayyam

  • Due dates (excluding presentations)

    Nov 11: Submit the draft of one section of the paper. (NOTE: Since some students did not see this announcement, this is not a mandatory assignment)
    Nov 16: Submit the draft of one section of the paper (different from that of Nov 11) (NOTE: Since some students did not see this announcement, this is not a mandatory assignment)
  • Nov 18: Submit the complete draft of the paper on Blackboard (this assignment did not change) (This one is mandatory)
  • Dec 2: Quiz (topic to be announced)
    Dec 7: Submit paper on Blackoard.

Monday Deadlines Wednesday Deadlines
Presentation: Al-Battani and the Law of Cosines  (1-Brian, 2- Jingqi)
Presentation: Polynomial equations in Arabic Algebra (1-Hsin-Ling, 2-Gloria )
Presentation: The use of series in Hindu mathematics (1-Talika , 2-Jada )

One more form about the paper.

Please read the "orange" announcement above : IMPORTANT CHANGES:

Optional Assignment:
Submit in Blackboard one section of the paper.

This is an optional assignment to help you start working.  It is not mandatory and you do not have to submit a definite version. I will try to give you feedback on this but cannot promise I will do it. You have to submit one of the sections of your paper in pdf, written following the guidelines of the syllabus. All the paper assignments will be checked in SafeAssign. Make sure that any paragraph that you cut and past is between quotation marks and appropriately referenced.

Nov 16
Medieval Europe: Selected TopicsLeonardo of Pisa Liber abbaci (Fibonacci)

Mathematics in the Renaissance: Selected topics

The Italian Abacists.
The solution of the cubic equation (Fibonacci, Cardano, Tartaglia, Ferrari)
Galileo's arithmetic

Descartes Discourse on Method.

Geometry vs Algebra. An excerpt from Mathematics in the 20th century by Sir Michael Atiyah

Monday Deadlines Wednesday Deadlines
Optional Assignment:
Submit in Blackboard one section of the paper.

Presentation: The Appearance of Negative Solutions in Mediaeval Mathematics (see also this article) (1-Zecheng, 2-Jeremy )

Presentation: Some problems of the Liber Abbaci (1-Jessica , 2-Manaal)
Draft of the paper (submit in Blackboard).

Presentation: Recipe to compute logarithms (see also here and here) (1- Raquel, 2-Jiayi)

Presentation: Bombelli and the development of Complex Numbers (see also here and here) (1-Mei Rose , 2-Kunhui )

Presentation: Newton’s method for solving affected equations (2-Brian B.)
Nov 23rd

        Thanksgiving week

Nov 30
Seventeenth century: Selected Topics
Analytic geometry: Fermat and Descartes
Pascal and Probability
Fermat on Number Theory
Calculus before calculus (methods to find tangents, extrema, lengths, areas, volumes. Infinitesimals and indivisibles. Cavalieri.)
The fundamental theorem of calculus: Barrow and Gregory

History of calculus
Desargues Theorem (see demo here and here)
Newton (see here) Draft

Monday Deadlines T Wednesday Deadlines
Presentation: The "Unknown Heritage problem (1-Shuyang, 2- Liming)

Presentation: Stevin on decimal fractions (1- Joseph, 2-Pablo)
Quiz 6: The quiz will consist  review questions about the whole course.

Presentation: Maria Agnesi and the Witch of Agnesi (see also here and here) (1-Molly , 2-Brittney )

Presentation: The evolution of the Concept of Function. (1-Xavian, 2-Yunting)
#15-Dec 7
Eighteen Century-topics selected among the following)
The parallel postulate
Euler on the beginning of topology (seehere)
Cramer, Euler and the solution of equations
Euler on number theory
Nineteenth Century
The method of Least Squares (Gauss and Legendre)
Gauss and Congruences, Quadratic Reciprocity
The unsolvability of the Quintic Equation
Non-euclidean Geometry.
Cantor and the theory of sets
Babbage, Lovelace and computers
Matrices and Systems of Linear Equations

Twentieth Century

Computers and Mathematics
The proof of the four color theorem
Monday Deadlines
Deadlines: Paper due on Monday Dec 7th (submit in Blackboard)

Presentation: Hamilton's Discovery of Quaternions (1-Matthew, 2-Yuhao )

Presentation: Sophie Germain and a revaluation of her work on Fermat's Last Theorem (also here) (1-Wayland, 2-Dan )

The past

1- Aug 24 Administrative stuff
What is mathematics?
The Ishango bone
Primitive Counting
Number Systems>(click on the appropriate links on the left tab to see the content). See also here for a description of most of the number systems we discussed this week. A short description of hieroglyphic Egyptian number system can be found here.

Math timeline from Mathigon
Timeline for the History of Mathematics by Prof William H. Richardson from Wichita State University.

Monday Lecture Slides
Wednesday Lecture Slides

Justified absence form

Problems with class work submission

Monday Deadlines and CLASS ACTIVITIES Wednesday Deadlines
Make sure you fill the Technology form

Link of the Google Slides for the Breakout Room Activities for Lecture 02, 11: 45am and for Lecture 01 1: 40pm.

Write an entry in the "getting to know each other Forum (in Blackboard)
2- Aug 31 Ancient Egypt
Number system.
Multiplication and division.
Fractions (parts)
Geometry: Areas and volumes.

Here is a translation of the Rhind papyrus.
 The Rhind papyrus is in the British Museum, whose website, contains imageshereandhereof this document.
Here  is a podcast about the Rhind papyrus, also from the British Museum.
A nice article about the first 6 problems of the Rhind Papyrus: Problems 1 to 6 of the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus.
Three pyramides that make a cube

Monday Deadlines and Activities Wednesday Deadlines
HW 1

Fill the form to choose the topic of your presentation.

Lecture 02 (11: 45) Link to Google Slides.

Lecture 01 (2: 40) Link to Google Slides.

Monday and Wednesday Lecture Slides - Updated Sept 6h

3 -Sep 7
Ancient Egypt

Method of false position.
Geometry: Areas and volumes.
Wednesday Lecture Slides

Monday Deadlines Wednesday Deadlines
Labor day. No deadlines. Quiz will be next week. No deadlines today. Here is a sample quiz (scroll down).

4-Sep 14 Ancient Mesopotamia
Number system.
Tables of reciprocals and multiplication
Solutions of linear and quadratic equations.
Square roots and the Pythagorean Theorem.

Reading: Babylonian Mathematics

Monday slides
Wednesday slides

Schedule your presentation rehearsal here. Email me if you cannot make any of the available times.

Monday Deadlines Wednesday Deadlines

Quiz 1 (Topic: Number systems and Egypt)

Form presentation Bibliography, Outline and Math Point. (Note: It is fine if outline and/or bibliography change by the time of the presentation. However, both have to satisfy the requirements stated in the syllabus).
5- Sep 21

Mathematics around the world
Mayan mathematics: (here is a good resource about the Mayan calendars)
Incan kipus
The Pacific
Africa (see here)'

Thanks to all of you who answered the questions about the class. Those of you who did not, can still answer here.

Some of you mentioned that it would be useful  to have the slides in advance. From now on, I will post then in this folder (it is now empty) on the day before the lecture, at 7pm the latest (I may do minor modifications of the slides after that). The folder is empty now.  I will also post in the same folder the after class version of the slides, the day after the lecture (and will not put the links in this schedule)

Link to class summary for Wednesday September 23rd.

Monday Deadlines Wednesday Deadlines

Presentation: The Plimpton 322 tablet (trigonometric table?) (1-Shannon, 2-Deke)

Presentation: Mathematics of the Yoruba People and of Their Neighbors in Southern Nigeria (1-Kevin, 2-Liming)
Presentation: Incan kipus. (1-Gabrielle, 2-Maggie)

Presentation: Mayan Arithmetic and Calendar (see also here) (1-Mishaal, 2-Deandra)
6-Sep 28 Hellenic mathematics up to Euclid
Socrates,Plato, Aristotle
Thales, Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans
Figurate numbers
Reading: Plato Meno
Greek number systems

Monday Deadlines Wednesday Deadlines
Presentation: Resolving Zeno's Paradoxes see also here.   (1-Caleb , 2-Neil )
Presentation: History of π (1- Joey, 2-Diana )
Quiz 2 (Mesopotamian and Mayan mathematics)

You can submit your answer to the summary question here.
#7- Oct 5 Euclid and the Elements, part 1
Construction of the equilateral triangle
Proof of the Pythagorean theorem
Euclid's Elements (Website)
Different versions of Euclid's Elements in pfd (here, here and here)
The first six books of the elements of Euclid , by Oliver Byrne (interactive, with wonderful illustrations) pdf and website

Monday Deadlines Wednesday Deadlines
Presentation: Hippocrates on the Quadrature of the Lune (1-Stanley, 2-Jia )
Presentation: Ratio, Proportion and Measurement in the Elements of Euclid (1-Emily, 2-Demetra )
#8- Oct 12 Euclid and the Elements, part 2
Proof of the Pythagorean theorem cont.
Infinitude of primes.
What is an axiom system?
Time permits: Euclidean Algorithm and Number Theory

Optional Read: Proclus and the history of geometry as far as Euclid

Monday Deadlines Wednesday Deadlines

Quiz 3 (Hellenic mathematics up to Euclid, Euclid's elements Part 1)
Presentation: On Square Roots and Their Representations (1-Jeffrey, 2-Amanda )
#9 - Oct 19 Hellenic mathematics after Euclid to fourth century AD
Archimedes. Determination of π, Law of the lever, Method of Discovery, Volume of the Sphere.
Eratosthenes: dimension of the Earth.
Apollonius' Conics.
Ptolemy: Table of chords, Solving Plane Triangles
Three famous unsolved problems
Diophantus and the Arithmetica

History of Trigonometry by David E. Joyce.
Interesting read related to proofs.

Monday Deadlines Wednesday Deadlines

Presentation: Archimedes on the Circumference and Area of a Circle (1- Vishnu , 2-Moses )

Presentation: Constructible numbers (1- unassigned , 2-Romain )

Presentation: The unique factorization theorem: From Euclid to Gauss. (1- Abdel , 2-unassigned )
Presentation: Diophantus and The birth of Literal Algebra (1-Arianna , 2- Nicole)

Form about the choice of topic of the paper
#10- Oct 26 Ancient and Medieval Chinese Mathematics
Geometry: The Pythagorean theorem
Calculating with numbers: Number System
Calculating with numbers: Extractions of square roots.
Magic squares
An Outline on Ancient and Medieval Chinese Mathematics by David E . Joyce).  Another survey can be found here
Monday Deadlines Wednesday Deadlines
Presentation: Liu Hui and Zu Gengzhi on the Volume of a Sphere (see also here) (1-Ruixin , 2- Yizhen)
Presentation: Chinese number system and symbolic form of algebra (see also here) (1-Xutong , 2-HongLi )
Quiz 4 (Euclid's elements part 2, Hellenic mathematics after Euclid to fourth century AD )

Presentation: The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Arts (see also here) (1- Samantha, 2- Chihongen )
Week Topics, Presentations, Reading and Deadlines
#11-Nov 2 Ancient and Medieval Indian Mathematics
Number system
The so called Fibonacci numbers.
Indian Mathematics: an Outline by David E. Joyce)
About the zero.

Wednesday Deadlines
HW 5
Presentation: Ancient Indian Square Roots (1-Catherine, 2-Ramsey )

Presentation: Archimedes and the quadrature of the Parabola (also here) (1-Zhecheng , 2- Carel)

Form about bibliography,  outline, abstract and math point of the paper.