The numerical grade on the placement test is between 0 and 200. However, my recommendations are also based on who did which problems. I will keep the graded tests for my records at least until the various class changes have taken place.

My recommendations follow. They are listed using the last five digits of your ID number. The numerical grades are not listed.

If you want to discuss these recommendations see me after class or during office hours.

To move to another calculus class (125-126-127-131-141) go to Room P-148, MAT TOWER.

If you are not listed below and you have taken the test please contact me immediately.

MAT 142 OK: 39018, 29172, 11915, 77569, 70548, 16178, 04605, 49733, 18531 (18538?), 96323, 19237, 71874, 81739, 21790, 15037, 65555, 83310, 81066, 28350, 79105, 15071, 74881, 82969, 27874,71564, 06190.

Move to MAT 132 or lower, or to MAT 141: 59137, 67904, 25477, 74932, 25201, 14369, 24168, 31035, 39559.

Move to either MAT 141 or MAT 131: 62566

Move to MAT 131 or 125 : 40865, 10120, 25352, 60053, 49724, 12659, 04341, 17007, 98714, 92826, 15452